Arriving (Prologue)

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2 Years Before Wednesday Arrives:

Y/N arrived at Nevermore, his father was driving the car.

"It genuinely wasn't my fault this time dad."

"I know, I believe you. Asshole was beating on an outcast for no reason, you did your job and got involved, but you did get carried away." Y/N's father said. "Six cracked ribs and a dislocated jaw, you're fourteen for Christs sake, you shouldn't be giving people those types of injuries."

"Prick deserved it." Y/N said as he looked at the gothic castle.

"Hey! You know your mom doesn't like you using that language." Y/N's father said as Y/N looked at him.

"She also doesn't like me getting into fights but I do that often enough."

"I know you do. I get why you did it, I do, but this can't go on, you're lucky your mom was able to negotiate the court well enough to keep you out of jail. You're gonna have to see a therapist, that was the court order, luckily Nevermore has ties with a supposedly good therapist." Y/N's father said as Y/N looked at him sceptically.

"Tell me this is some sick joke. I don't need a shrink."

"That's not how the court saw it. You beat that kid half to death." Y/N's father said as Y/N sighed.

"Like I said, it wasn't my fault." Y/N remarked as he stepped out of the car.

"Look, just...try and keep your head down in here, if you see something happening, report it. You don't have to play the role of lawman in this place." Y/N's father said as Y/N sighed. "Please, just...try and make it to the end of the year without being kicked out."

"Sure." Y/N said in a defeated tone as they walked into the school.

They walked through the corridors and looked around at all of the other students looking at them like they were the devil walking the earth. "Dad, why're they all looking at us?"

"I'll tell you when you're older." Y/N's father said as they walked into the office of the Nevermore Headmistress, Larissa Weems.

"Ah, Y/N. Welcome to Nevermore, school for societies outcasts. Mr L/N." Weems said as she turned to Y/N's father who nodded.


"Now, Y/N. I've heard you prefer to get straight to business. While you attend Nevermore you will be expected to consult a therapist. The school has a good relationship with a local consultant, Dr Kinbott. You'll receive your timetable tonight when you've settled in. For now, let's get you set up in your new dorm. We've recently had a few rooms renovated to allow up to three inhabitants. So, we've set you up in a room where you won't be causing too many fights, and you're with someone with a similar condition as you."

"Similar condition?"

"Your room mate hasn't been able to wolf out either." Weems stated as Y/N looked to his father who looked down at him. "I think you'll find her a nice ray of sunshine."

"Her? You're putting me in a dorm with a girl? Isn't there a rule against that?"

"There's also a rule against fighting, I know that making you share a room with other boys would lead to you fighting, this is the lesser evil, and I'm willing to bend this school rule for you."

The door opened and Y/N was greeted by the sight of flourishing colours.

"Hey roomie!" A cheery voice cried out in excitement, it's source was a young girl around fourteen years old, she had blond hair with pink ends on one side and blue ends on the other side. Y/N turned and looked at his father who chuckled.

"Well, I'm sure you'll fit right in." Y/N's father said, earning a glare off of his son.

"Tell me you're joking." Y/N said as his father shook his head.

"'fraid not. Now come here, give your old man a hug before I go, I don't want your mom being mad at me for taking too long away from work." Y/N's father said as he held his arms open, Y/N hugged his father who chuckled. "Now remember, no fights."

"Later Dad. Tell Mom and everyone else I love 'em." Y/N said as his father smirked.

"I will. Hey, try and make some friends. Life's easier when you've got friends Y/N, and we live a real long freakin' time."

"Sure." Y/N said as his father left with Weems as the girl looked at Y/N.

"Hey. I'm Enid...Enid Sinclair, it's my first day here if it helps. Who are you?"

"L/N, Y/N L/N."

"Well, Y/'s nice to meet you." Enid said as she hugged Y/N who pulled a shocked expression but relented, he was too tired, he just wanted to find his bed and fall asleep, he'd been in the car from New York to Nevermore and it had taken it's toll.

"Sorry, not to be rude, but I just want to pick up my uniform, and then pick up some shut eye...I've been on the road for 5 hours. I'd love to talk in the morning but right now, sleep is my main priority, okay?"

"Sure, I get it." Enid said as Y/N nodded. He left to go and grab his uniforms from reception before returning to the dorm, handing Enid her own uniform which he had collected to save her the trouble. "Um...thanks."

"Don't mention it." Y/N said as he put his uniform in the wardrobe and then moved over to a freshly made bed, flopping down onto the bed and falling asleep...

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now