Xaviers Shack and Revelations

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Y/N walked over to Xaviers shack he was back in his normal school uniform, he knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes, the doors opened and Xavier looked at him.

Y/N walked over to Xaviers shack he was back in his normal school uniform, he knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes, the doors opened and Xavier looked at him

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"L/N, something I can help you with?"

"Yeah, I got a few questions and I gotta have a look around. Can I come in?" Y/N asked as Xavier nodded and stepped out of the way.

"I'm guessing you're like Wednesday and think I'm a suspect?" Xavier asked as Y/N shook his head, pulling out a strip of chewing gum and putting it in his mouth.

"No, I can't argue with her reasoning, sure, but I don't think you're a suspect." Y/N said as Xavier looked at him.

"Maybe you should tell that to your precious girlfriend." Xavier said as Y/N glared him.

"These dreams, are they images or do you hear anything that might be useful?" Y/N asked as Xavier looked at him.

"No. Just images. Some of them are of random things, a cave."

"Yeah, that cave was where I was kept hostage by this monster. Whatever it was doesn't seem capable of doing all of this on it's own, it has someone giving it orders, telling it what to do. Have you drawn anything recently that could help me and Wednesday track this thing down?" Y/N asked as Xavier shook his head.

"I got nothing, they just come to me, like Wednesday's visions." Xavier said as Y/N sighed.

"Look, I get it, you're pissed at her. But she was doing what she had to in order to find who killed one of her oldest friends, so forgive her if she was a little insensitive to your problems but good people are dying and that takes precedent." Y/N said as Xavier shook his head and scoffed.

"You really believe she cares about you as anything other than a means to an end?"

"I know. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have places to be." Y/N said as he walked to the door, stopping at the door and turning to look at Xavier. "You ever run your mouth off about Wednesday or Enid behind their backs again, your artwork won't be the only thing out to kill you."

As Y/N left the shack he checked his watch and saw it was time for therapy with his parents soon. He set off walking in the direction of Jericho.

When he arrived at Kinbotts office, Y/N looked down at his hand still in bandages, his fight with Lucas Walker and his friends the night before hadn't done him any favours. He walked into the office where his parents were both waiting for him with doctor kinbott.

"Mom, Dad." Y/N said as he decided now was the best time, get them before they can get a lie straight so he can get a semblance of the truth from them. "Mind if I open the session with a question for my parents doctor?"

"By all means Y/N." Kinbott said as Y/N reached into his school bag and pulled out the book Thing had brought him. Immediately Y/N's parents shared a look.

"Why are you both in here, and why are our last names different to the book?" Y/N asked as Y/N's mother and father for once looked shocked.

"Um, it was our names before-" Y/N's mother began to speak up as his father stopped her, he was sick of lying to his son. He knew why, but he couldn't do it anymore. He put his hand on hers and they both shared a look and then turned to look at Y/N.

Y/N's mother brushed a lock of her raven black hair out of the way and tucked it behind her ear, her blue eyes looked at Y/N apologetically as she wiped a tear away from them. She was an official woman with an hourglass figure, she wore a sky blue shirt with white snow flakes on it, white pearl earrings, an off white blazer with three buttons, and a sky blue skirt that went just past her knees, she also wore a pair of off white high heels.

Y/N's father had flowing brown hair, a stubble for a beard, yellow eyes, his style was clearly where Y/N's got his dress sense from. He looked rough and ready for a brawl.

"What are your real names and what is my real last name?" Y/N asked as they both sighed.

"Y/N I'm The Big Bad Wolf, most just call me Bigby. Bigby Wolf." Y/N's father spoke up as Y/N looked at him.

"And I'm Snow White, well, Snow Wolf now. Your last name is Wolf. Your full name is Y/N Wolf." Y/N's mothe spoke as she looked at him with the look matching the look on her husbands face.

" Y/N's mothe spoke as she looked at him with the look matching the look on her husbands face

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"Wha- Why would you hide something like this?" Y/N asked as his parents looked at him.

"Your father has done a lot of things in his life, he's made enemies. We thought it best we change your names, to keep you safe from our enemies, cause we've both made a fair few." Snow said as Y/N looked at them, he nodded, it was a lot to take in, but he kept himself in check.

"Who else knew?"

"Morticia Addams, and Gomez Addams. I don't think they told Wednesdays and Pugsley though." Bigby said as Y/N looked like someone had just slapped him in the face.

"Weems knew as well didn't she?!" Y/N snapped as they both nodded regretfully. Y/N realised he'd snapped at them.

"Y/N we did it to keep you safe if not from our enemies from our reputation, people hate your father enough that they would have attacked you almost daily just because you're the son of the Big Bad Wolf." Snow said as Y/N looked at Kinbott who looked to him.

"Well, it looks like we have a lot to unpack before this session is over, so let's get started." Kinbott said as Y/N sat down, about to talk things out with his parents...

[A/N] Hi everyone, sorry about not stating the crossover in the description and I'm sorry if some of you don't like this crossover. 

I also wanted to say thank you for all the support on this book so far and I hope the introduction of the crossover doesn't put anyone off this story.

Again thank you all soo much for the support on this book. Hope you're all having a great day.


An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now