On The Brink

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Y/N awoke to the sight of a worried Wednesday and Enid looking at him.

As Y/N went to move, but was pinned to the chair by Thing while the school nurse tended to Y/N's wounds.

"Hollow-point bullets are a nasty business. The silver slug deformed and shredded on impact."

"He'll be okay, though..." Enid asked.

"Mm?" The nurse said as she looked kept pulling out fragments of silver.

"He'll be okay?" Wednesday asked, for the first time her clinical eye couldn't see a clear outcome, she was unsure.

"His internal organs are positively riddled. If I don't extract every single scrap of silver...he's liable to suffer some long-term toxicosis...Easy there. Try not to move."

Y/N coughed and spat up blood.

"Y/N..." The girls said looking at Y/N.

Y/N inhaled sharply, looking at the bone protruding from his arm.

"We can't keep meeting this way, old boy... I'd figured I'd be done before you were conscious. But there's little I can do for the pain. Just stay still and let me finish." 

Y/N kept as quiet as he could with someone rooting around through his internal organs and pulling out shards of silver.

The nurse extracted a piece of the silver bullet and dropped it into a cup as Y/N lifted his injured arm to examine it.

"Please, Y/N, don't move it. Doctor..." Enid pleaded as a gross crunchy squelching sound came from Y/N's arm when he tried to move it.

"Look, I'm a bit engaged saving his life at the moment...but if the fractured extremity concerns him that much, he can set it himself." The nurse said as Y/N used his working hand to move his injured one onto the arm of the chair he was sat in.

He tried to set the bone once but his hand slipped due to the blinding pain from the injury. Y/N got a firmer grasp of the hand that was dangling loosely off the side of the chair and pulled it slightly stretching the flesh of his arm out before moving it so that the broken bone was back inside his arm and the bone was set.

"Hm. Not bad. That'll do, I suppose." The nurse said as Thing patted Y/N on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

"Thanks bud." Y/N said to the sentient hand.

"He's lucky to be alive. And he won't be next time if he keeps going like this. He didn't listen to me last time I gave him advice. Maybe he'll listen to you two." The nurse said looking at the two girls.

"I don't know about that..." Enid said as she looked at Y/N. There was a long blood trail leading into his small dorm, the chair he was sat in was covered in blood.

"Well, he should. There are limits to what even I can do." The nurse said.

"This...is the job..." Y/N groaned out before letting out a cry of pain.

The girls leaned closer to Y/N with concern.

"Excuse me, Miss Sinclair, Miss Addams, but...perhaps it'd be better if you gave me a few minutes to finish with him." The Nurse said.

"I--I think I should stay. At least until he's...out of the woods." Enid said.

"Believe me, he couldn't be in better hands. And I need the space to work, so... If you wouldn't mind... We'd appreciate the headroom." The Nurse said as Wednesday and Enid both looked to Y/N.

"I'd, uh...I'd prefer you two don't watch this, anyway." Y/N said through the pain.

"We'll be done in a moment, just please...give us the time." The Nurse said as they continued working on Y/N.

The girls looked at Y/N before they both walked away and sat down at the table in the corner of the room room.

"Hey, Doc? How much longer?" Xavier asked as he walked in.

"Xavier, leave him be." Wednesday said.

"It's finished when it's finished." The Nurse answered.

"Xavier, you're not even supposed to be here right now.

"Oh, really? Where am I "supposed" to be? I'm here to take care of my friend."

"With what? Your psychic visions and zero training? We told you to keep the door covered, and since when have you ever been friendly with him unless it was for your own gain?" Wednesday snapped.

"Hey, listen, lady..."

"Please keep it down back there, thank you..."

"Could you please not distract the doctor while he has my chest cut open?" Y/N called out.

"Yes, that would be helpful." The nurse said as she extracted the last fragment of the bullet. "There. All done."

"Great." Y/N said as  The nurse bandaged his wounds.

"This isn't a habit you should keep to, having visits with me. And, well...this time... This time was no joke. Eat as many metal shellings as you see fit, but take just one more silver round near your heart...and the only place I'll be visiting you is the morgue. Miss Sinclair...Miss Addams. He'll be fine for light duty...IF he can figure out what that means." The Nurse said as he packed up his medical supplies.

"He knows what it means. It's just been...an unusual couple of days..." Wednesday said, blaming herself for dragging Y/N out to that mansion.

"I know, but please, don't give him the excuse. His body will eventually give out. Take care of him. Please." The Nurse said.

"We will. He'll need rest, I assume." Enid said as she looked to Y/N trying to stand up from his chair.

"Sleep, mostly. Just keep watch... And make sure he doesn't get into further altercations."

"They have enough to deal with, Doc. I can take care of myself." Y/N remarked as the nurse looked at him

"Clearly." The Nurse said. "Anyways... "Guard against", as they say. Miss Sinclair. Prefect...Miss Addams."


As The Nurse left the room. Y/N walked up to the small fridge in the corner of the room; he took a bottle out of the fridge and started to from it.

"So...how do you, um, feel?" Enid asked.

"It's Y/N, Enid... He'll be okay. Hell, I've seen him take worse." Wednesday said, trying to hide her insecurities, she felt just like Enid was feeling right now, but she had to be strong.

"Not much worse..." Enid said as Y/N looked at them.

"We're glad you're not dead." Wednesday stated as Y/N looked at them both. "You, uh, you stopped breathing, you know...when you passed out or...or died...I guess."

Wednesday touched Y/N's bandaged arm.

"It...um...it kind of scared the hell out of me. I've never seen you like that. And when the doctor arrived... You know him, he's never worried, and even he thought you were... I don't know, it was just...awful...I thought--I thought I'd lost you Y/N." Wednesday said, finally letting go of the facade and hugging Y/N, with Enid joining.

"Girls...I'd never leave you. Either of you."

"Yeah, you looked like shit." Xavier said as the girls both turned and glared at him.

"I'm just saying, I was worried about him, is all. The guy hasn't had a night's rest in days and you're dragging him out to the gates mansion..." Xavier said as they both looked to Y/N.

"Xavier, not helping." Y/N said as he glared at Xavier.

"We'll all get some rest when this whole thing is done." Wednesday said trying to remain calm.

"What "whole thing"? What's even happening out there? I mean, do you guys have like a plan or somethinh, a suspect on who the monster is, or who done that to Y/N?"

Y/N opened the closet and put on his shirt and tie.

"Yeah, I got a few in mind." Y/N said as he looked at the Girls who both turned to Xavier.

"You can go now. Us and Y/N need to talk, in private." Wednesday said bluntly as Xavier left, giving Y/N and the girls some time alone to talk about everything...

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now