Family Secrets...

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"So...Y/N, why don't you start, you must have a lot of questions." Kinbott said as Y/N looked at his parents.

"So, Gomez and Morticia know, anyone else?"

"No." Snow answered as Y/N nodded.

"These enemies of yours, anyone I should be worried about?"

"I doubt anyone can bring Joseph Crackstone back from the dead." Bigby said as he looked at Y/N.

"Crackstone? The pilgrim with the melted bronze statue outside?" Y/N asked as Bigby nodded.

"Yeah, what happened to it?"

"Um...I'm not allowed to say." Y/N said with a cheeky smile that both Bigby and Snow recognized from when Y/N was a young child.

10 Years Ago:

Y/N and Wednesday walked into Y/N's room, the goth girl was with Y/N and his family for a few days.

Wednesday had recently recovered from the loss of her pet scorpion Nero and she was pleased that Y/N had stuck by her as she mourned. When the weather grew cold, he would come with a blanket for her, he would regularly come with meals to help her keep her strength up. In her time of pain and misery, Wednesday had Y/N as a shoulder to cry on, the two 6 year olds were friends and had been for a number of years now, they practically grew up together.

As they both walked into Y/N's home, they were confronted with the sight of Y/N's parents and Wednesday's parents standing there, with Y/N's mother glaring daggers at her son.

"So, who's gonna tell us what happened to those boys?" Snow asked as Wednesday looked at her parents blankly.

"What boys?" Y/N asked as Bigby rolled his eyes.

"Y/N. You know I can tell when people lie to me, especially my own son." Bigby said as Y/N saw Wednesday about to speak.

"I found the boys who killed Wednesday's pet scorpion Nero. So I beat them up." Y/N said as Bigby looked at him. Wednesday turned to look at her friend who looked back with a cheeky smile making a smirk flash on her face for a second before her expression returned to he normal neutral look.

"Beat them up huh? What injuries did they have?" Bigby asked as Y/N looked at him.

"I dunno, I just hit em really hard." Y/N said as Bigby looked to Snow.

"Wednesday, were you involved in this too?" Bigby asked as Wednesday looked at him, wanting to help her friend, Wednesday nodded.

"Yes. Though me and Y/N acted out of self-defence, the boys pushed me to the floor, when Y/N asked them to apologize, they didn't and tried to push him to the floor, Y/N fought two of them while I fought the other two."

"They had broken arms." Snow pointed out as Y/N looked to his mother.

"To be fair the broken arm was an accident, my shoe slipped...I was aiming for his head." Y/N tried to defend as Wednesday looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"Y/N!" Snow snapped as Y/N gave the cheeky smirk to Wednesday. "You are in a lot of trouble young man. Go to your room."

"Fine, but go easy on Wednesday, those boys killed Nero and then they instigated the fight." Y/N said as Wednesday looked at him.

"Wednesday doesn't need you to defend her." Snow said as Y/N looked at her.

"I know. But if anyone should be punished, it's either me or those boys, not her." Y/N said as Snow looked at him and sighed.

"Just...just go to your room." Snow said as Y/N left. "Harpers parents aren't gonna like this." 

"Personally, I don't give a crap what they like. Y/N has a point, he and Wednesday acted out of self defence. Jack shouldn't have pushed Y/N or Wednesday around like that and he definitely shouldn't have done what he did to Nero." Bigby said as Snow turned and looked at him. "What?"

"He tried to lie to us. That's the issue here, he beat up the local bullies I can live with, hell I get it. But lying to us is a no go." Snow said as Bigby shrugged.

"Can you blame him?" Bigby said as he looked his wife in the eyes.

"Gomez, Morticia, I am so sorry that Wednesday was involved in this, I can assure you Y/N will be properly disciplined for this." Snow said as the Addams' smilled.

"Please. I'm certain that Y/N took care of our little raven. You needn't worry." Gomez said as Snow nodded.

"Nevertheless. I apologize." Snow said as the Addams family nodded and left with Wednesday, or at least they tried to.

"Wednesday? What's wrong dear?" Morticia asked as Wednesday let go of her hand and made her way towards the stairs.

"I want to say goodbye to Y/N before we go." Wednesday said as Snow and Bigby smiled along with Gomez and Morticia.

Y/N was in his room when Wednesday opened the door and hugged him.

"Thank you." Wednesday said as Y/N smiled at her.

"Don't mention it." Y/N said as the two friends hugged one another before Wednesday walked out of the room and left with her parents.

Present Day:

"You ripped a guys arm off?!" Snow asked in disbelief at hearing Kinbott describe how Y/N dealt with the fight at the weathervane.

"Yeah, the asshole-"

"Language!" Snow said as she pointed her finger at Y/N.

"He had a silver switchblade and he hit my friend across the face. I tried to talk him down but he wouldn't have it." Y/N pointed out as Bigby smirked at Y/N.

"This friend, is it Wednesday or that Enid girl you've mentioned in the past?" Snow asked as Y/N looked at her.

"Enid. Jack hit her in the face and I was called to step in. I gave the prick-"


"I gave Jack three warnings and an extra one before I tore his arm off. And he stabbed me. with a silver switchblade." Y/N said as Snow looked to Bigby who had a proud smirk on his face.

"Y/N, I'm not saying that fighting back is bad, but ripping his arm off?!" Snow asked as Y/N nodded.

"I warned him, he didn't give me much choice in the matter. Would you prefer it if he had stabbed me?" Y/N asked as Snow shook her head.

"Of course not." She said as Y/N looked at her.

"Then what do you want from me?"

"I Just want you to be safe and to stay out of prison." Snow said as she looked at Y/N.

"I did what I did to stay safe." Y/N said as Snow sighed, she knew he had a point.

"Snow, if he didn't he'd probably be dead by now." Bigby said as Snow nodded.

The cuckoo clock on the wall sounded and Dr. Kinbott smiled.

"Well, this has been an insightful session. Mr and Mrs Wolf, do you mind if I give you a quick report on Y/N's progress in terms of our sessions, within reason of course, Doctor-Patient confidentiality and all that." Kinbott said as Y/N left, stepping out to see Wednesday and her parents waiting for their session...

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now