Enter Stage Left Wednesday Addams

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1 year later (The Day Wednesday Arrives):

Y/N awoke in his small dorm, a room that barely counted as anything above a closet, it was the smallest room in Nevermore.

As he looked around Y/N sighed. He stood up and stretched his back out before getting washed and dressed, pressing play on his phone causing Hurt by Johnny Cash to start playing from the small cheap $20 bluetooth speaker in his room.

He hadn't gone back home for two years, deciding to spend the holidays at Nevermore, it's not that he didn't care about his family, he was just committing himself to his work. As Y/N pulled out a book to study from, he received a phone call from Weems office.

"Hello?" Y/N sighed as he picked up the phone.

"We have a new student arriving today, they're a troublemaker like you, I'd like for you to keep an eye on them, watch that they don't get into too much trouble." Weems said as Y/N sighed and put a chewing gum in his mouth.

"Sure, anything else?"

"Yes, they're moving in with Ms Sinclair, so keep it professional." Weems said as Y/N sighed.

"Look, there's nothing happening between me and Enid, she's into someone else. Now if you're finished, I gotta go." Y/N said as he hung up, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Fucks sake."

As Y/N stepped out of his dorm he was a student waiting for him, Xavier Thorpe, a psychic, he was alright enough, or at least in Y/N's experience.

"L/N." Xavier said as Y/N nodded. "You got some gum?"

Y/N looked at him and pulled out a small strip of chewing gum and handed it to him.


"Something I can help you with Xavier?" Y/N asked as he locked his dorm room and they began walking down the corridors.

"Yeah, I think somethings worrying Rowan. We had an argument yesterday and he's been ranting and raving about something." Xavier said as Y/N nodded.

"I'll stop by your dorm when I get the time, Weems has me working on something, I thought my work load would be lighter now that Jack and his pals have graduated, turns out she's now got me working on mundane crap, giving tours to people. Stick a broom up my ass an I'll wipe the floor."

"Yeah well, you can just quit anytime you like." Xavier suggested.

"Yeah, and then get kicked out."

"Like I said, you can quit anytime." Xavier quipped as Y/N looked at him. "I'm still kind of surprised you're even allowed in here...at Nevermore I mean."

"Ha ha asshole, if you're trying to get me to look into your matter sooner, then you gotta work on your technique." Y/N said with the laugh being sarcastic.

"No, just pointing out that you're kind of an asshole on the next level."

"Yeah, you point it out every time we meet, and that you think I shouldn't have been allowed in the school to begin with." Y/N remarked as Xavier smirked.

"I don't see you ever taking offence at it."

"I didn't display offence when Bianca called me a puppy and - oh, speak of the fish." Y/N said as he saw Bianca walking over.

"Well well, if it isn't the pup, I heard Weems is looking for you, and I'd like to talk to Xavier alone."

"Well fuck a doodle do. I was in the middle of talking with him about something important relating to my work, now you can either wait like a good little fish, or fuck off." Y/N said as he turned back to Xavier.

"I'll stop by your dorm around lunch time, that's where Rowan spends most of his lunches. I'm warning you though Thorpe, if you're dicking me around like last time, I'm taking you to Weems for wasting my fuckin time." Y/N said as Thorpe nodded.

"Sure thing." Xavier said as Y/N walked away. "Furry fucking prick."

As Y/N approached the wing of the building where Weems' office was located he was stopped by a voice.

"Y/N! Wow, nice to see you outside of a classroom. You rarely ever stop by this part of the school." Thornhill said as she smiled at him.

"Ms Thornhill." Y/N said with a nod, the ginger haired teacher approached him and looked him up and down.

"You need a shave young man."

"Thanks, but it helps with the job." Y/N said with a certain charm in his voice, it had a small amount of gravel in it that just complimented him and everything about him perfectly.

"true, you do look like you're rough and ready to lay down the law."

"Thanks, though I do wish I didn't have to, would've thought what happened with Jack and his pals would be enough to hit that nail on the head." Y/N remarked as Thornhill smiled.

"Well, one day soon, maybe you won't have to." Thornhill said as Y/N smirked.

"I hope so. Is Weems in her office or do I have to go looking for her?"

"She's in there. Hope to see you in my lesson today." Thornhill said as Y/N nodded and walked away, heading up a small set of stairs and into Weems' office.

"Good morning Y/N. Come in." Weems said as she was sat by her office fireplace.

"You wanted to speak to me?"

"Yes. About your...living arrangement, you've put in a request to move back into your old room with Enid, on the grounds that you were better in that room and that it was more suited to you to share a room with someone of a similar condition."

"Yes, I did. What's the decision?"

"Request denied. Now. Onto the pressing matter of the new arrival, I've just shown them to their room, and I've asked Ms Sinclair to give her new room mate the tour, including your dorm, you needn't worry, they have some time before they reach your dorm. I just want to remind you to keep things professional with Ms Sinclair and her room mate. I want you to look me in the eye and say you understand." Weems said as Y/N sighed.

"Look, I'm busy, I gotta tail this new student, I gotta look into an altercation between Xavier and Rowan, so quit wasting my time, last I checked, you put me in this position because my methods were unorthodox, how about you get off my back and let me do my job." Y/N said as he  walked out, heading to his dorm and sighing as he sat at his desk, looking at the report from Xavier that had been posted.

"He needs my help for something as trivial as this? Gimme a break." Y/N thought to himself as he heard a knock at the door.

"Doors open." Y/N called out as he put the report onto a pile of paperwork that was on his desk and looked up, the door opened to reveal Enid along with another girl who was dressed in all black an white, her skin was pale slightly and she had raven black hair in pigtails. Next to her was a young boy who was slightly portly, wearing shorts and a striped shirt. The two of them looked at Y/N who was looking directly back at the girl.

Enid decided to try and break the awkward silence.

"Y/N this is-" Enid began.


An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now