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Meanwhile in the quad, Y/Ns was lying motionless.

"Y/N...Y/N, get up baby brother." Y/N's long dead brother, Darien, said as Y/N looked around.

"Oh, great. Like I didn't have enough undead assholes to deal with." Y/N muttered to himself as Darien chuckled.

"Smartass." Darien said as Y/N smiled at him, climbing to his feet.

"So, if this is hell, it looks a lot like the quad." Y/N remarked as he looked around making his brother chuckle. "What's going on? Why are you here?"

"Come on genius, you're the one with a badass teen detective as his girlfriend and you yourself are a...not so badass, teen detective." Darien said as Y/N looked at him and rolled his eyes. "Wednesday had Goody."

"I've got you. How?"

"Look around."

Y/N looked at the hands on his watch, the same watch Wednesday had bought him when they were eight years old.


"Well done little brother."

"So why haven't I been seeing you runnin' through my walls?"

"I've been keeping my distance. I didn't want to open the wound unless needed, and well, look at you, there's not many wounds left unopened."

"Thanks, prick." Y/N said as his brother smirked.

"Once I do this...this is a one time thing you know." Darien said as Y/N nodded.

"I know. I figured as much." Y/N said as he looked his brother in the eyes. "Any messages to pass on to anyone?"

"Just...tell everyone I love 'em." Darien said as Y/N nodded.

"I will." Y/N said as he felt his wounds healing.

"Look after those girls of yours." Darien said as he faded from Y/N's view. 

Y/N looked around and saw the quad, he looked down at his shirt with three spots of blood covering it.

"Crap." Y/N said as he walked out to see Enid and Wednesday hugging and crying, while the rest of the students all gasped. "You two getting started without me? I'm hurt."

Y/N smirked as he looked at both girls, Wednesday was shocked as both she and Enid pounced on him, with Thing climbing onto his head and ruffling his hair.

"You scared us." Wednesday said as Y/N smiled at her.

"I told you, I'm not leaving you, either of you. It'll take more than a ginger with a gun to kill me." Y/N said as he kissed them both passionately before noticing everyone looking at him.

"The fuck are you all looking at, I'm still sheriff in this school, and you're all out after lights out, go on, get to bed!" Y/N ordered as the students all smiled before walking past him and heading to their dorms on the orders of the Sheriff/Prefect.

As Y/N walked into Thornhills old class he found Weems lying dead on the floor, kneeling down, Y/N closed his eyes and sighed.

"She taught me how to be better, how to be a good man, someone worthy of you two...I'll never forget her in piece." Y/N said as he and the girls headed back to Enids room, the three of them collapsing into Enid's bed, and instantly falling asleep, getting some well earned rest...

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now