Never Change Nevermore

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Y/N and the girls woke up together to the sound of knocking on their dorm door. 

"What time is it?" Enid asked as she cleared the sleep from her eyes, Y/N looked at his watch and sighed.

"Too fuckin' early." Y/N said gruffly as he saw the door open and a woman walk in, she had shoulder length orange hair, emerald green eyes, she looked like she was wearing a female version of Y/N's clothes, a white shirt was untucked from her skirt, she had a black tie around her neck, she was wearing a black skirt and black shoes, the shirt had short sleeves.

" Y/N said gruffly as he saw the door open and a woman walk in, she had shoulder length orange hair, emerald green eyes, she looked like she was wearing a female version of Y/N's clothes, a white shirt was untucked from her skirt, she had a black ...

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"Good morning heroes. I'm Miss Jones, I've been sent to help keep the school in order until the end of the semester." The woman said as she looked at them as Y/N stood up and grabbed his shirt from the floor.

"I should get on duty." Y/N began as Miss Jones spoke up. "I shouldn't be in here anyway-"

"Actually Y/N, you are. You've been given permission to live here, in this dorm." Jones said as Y/N looked confused.

"Who gave permission?" Y/N asked as Jones showed him an email on a tablet.

"Weems put it into the system." Jones said as Y/N looked at Wednesday.

"She told me she needed five minutes before joining me, so I prepared my plan. This was the last thing she did before joining me and dying." Wednesday said as Y/N sighed.

"Thank you Miss Jones. What about my old room? Do I give it to my successor?" Y/N asked as Jones looked at him.


"Well, with Larissa being dead and all, I assumed you would want someone less problematic in a position of authority." Y/N said as Jones smiled.

"Mr Wolf. You and your friends saved the school last night, you died in the process. Over the past two years you've practically eradicated the bullying rates in this school and kept order to an astounding degree. You may be unorthodox, but you get results, I'll take that over some goody two shoes who isn't willing to do what has to be done any day of the week." Jones said as Y/N looked at her. "Besides, if there's one thing I know, it's that having a big bad wolf as Sheriff tends to work well. Sheriff Wolf, Miss Addams, Miss Sinclair."

"Jones." Y/N said as walked over to the girls and kissed them both before leaving to go on duty.

As he walked through the corridors, Y/N heard an argument coming one of the dorm rooms. He knocked on the door and it opened to reveal Xavier and Bianca.

"Everything okay in here? I heard shouting." Y/N asked as he pulled out his small bottle of chewing gum pieces and tried to empty it out but there was nothing in it, Y/N simply threw the small container into a nearby bin.

"Yeah. Just...deciding who gets a shower first." Bianca said as she for once gave a genuine smile to Y/N. "How's the big bad wolf holding up?"

"Enid's fine." Y/N said as Bianca smirked.

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now