"Things Used To Be So Simple..."

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"Yeah, I know Inez is usually three sheets to the wind, but she keeps calling the mayor and she's BS-ing that there's lights on at the old Gates place. So do a drive-by, make sure there's no squatters." Sheriff Galpin said as Wednesday walked in and placed a claw on the table in an evidence bag and then an evidence bag containing the bloodied cloth.

"That's the claw of the monster and that's a dried blood sample from a potential suspect. He used it to dab scratches on his neck. Run the DNA test and see if they match." Wednesday said as Galpin looked at her with his eyebrows raised.

"I'm sorry, do I work for you?" Galpin asked sarcastically as Wednesday leaned on the sheriffs desk, getting in his face.

"Y/N is barely alive, I found him cut open more than that stupid operation board game, I found him on my doorstep on the brink of death, so now you're looking at one very pissed off Addams, and if you think I was bad before you have no idea how lucky you were. Now, you asked for concrete evidence. That's it." Wednesday said sternly as Galpin looked at her.

"Where'd you get this? And who's the suspect?" Galpin asked.

"Run the test first, then I'll explain everything." Wednesday said.

"I'm not playing games, Addams."

"Neither am I, Sheriff." Wednesday said with a menacing tone.

"Bernice, bring me a DNA authorization form, please."

As Wednesday got back into hers and Enid's shared room to find Y/N sifting through the crime scene photo's she had found, holding his side from the pain, even with the Ibuprofen, his wounds still hurt like he was reliving Wednesday's 12th birthday party.

"You've been busy." Y/N said as he looked over everything. "Missing body parts. The lair. It all seems like it's purposeful, not compulsion, these body parts aren't trophies, they're planning on using them for something. Question is, what?"

Y/N felt the pain in his side and winced slightly as he sighed.

"Wends, do you mind if I borrow Thing for a while? I wanna check the libraries before the Rave'N. By the way, who are you going with?" Y/N asked as Wednesday looked at him.

"I wasn't planning on going, I was going to go and investigate the monster's lair." Wednesday said before nodding her head to Thing who jumped down from giving Enid a neck massage and climbed onto Y/N's shoulder, patting him affirmatively.

"Hey little guy. You take care of the Boss lady while I was gone?" Y/N asked as Thing signed a yes to him. "Good job bud."

 Y/N walked over to the door left, his hands reaching for his side as he walked out to go to the library and look up rituals.

As Y/N sat in the library and read through the books, Thing scurried in carrying a nightshades book from the secret library.

"Thing, did you steal this from the Nightshades?" Y/N asked as the hand gave him a thumbs up. Y/N let out a chuckle before fist pumping the sentient hand. "Good work."

As Y/N was about to keep reading the book on rituals, Thing tapped his hand urgently and pointed at the book.

"What? Find what we're looking for?"

The hand gave a thumbs down before pointing at Y/N. The boy was confused until Thing opened the book and showing Y/N a family tree. Y/N glanced at it before doing a double take.

"Wait...why's my dad in there? and my mom? This is my family tree." Y/N said as he looked at the names. "B. W and S. W. Wait, there are my brothers and sisters, there's me, why is my last initial W in this though?"

Thing shrugged as Y/N looked up and saw Wednesday standing there with a large book, she put it on the table but it slipped and landed on Y/N's injured hand.


Enid was wondering who she would ask to the dance with her. She wanted someone to go with her but she also wanted to trust them completely and for it to just be for the dance. That was when she heard talking approach the door, it the door opened and Y/N walked in.

"Don't be such a baby."

"Wednesday, my hand is broken and you drop a book the size of a fucking car tyre on it!" Y/N said as Wednesday sighed.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but you're over playing it a bit."

"Oh I'm sorry, did I mention that it's been broken for less than a day and so far it's had a book dropped on it." Y/N said as Wednesday rolled her eyes.

"Fine. I'm sorry. Happy? I'm sorry for dropping the book on your hand."

"Yeah. sure."

"You're back early."

"Y/N got us kicked out of the library by screaming like a little girl."

"Wednesday I swear-"

"You'll what? you can't handle me with two hands when I go easy on you." Wednesday said as Y/N grumbled.

"I'll tickle you."

"Last person who tickled me lost a finger." Wednesday remarked as Y/N nodded.

"I know, I was there." Y/N said as she smirked at him. He couldn't stay mad at her when she smirked like that, it was like kryptonite for him. "Enid, you okay? You seem quiet."

"Um, Wednesday...can I ask you something?" Enid asked as the goth girl turned to her.


"Would you go to the Rave'N with me?" Enid asked as Wednesday looked taken back.

"Um, Enid, look I have plans, what about Y/N?"

"Y/N's off limits for dates thanks to him being head of security, and for the moment I kind of want to give the whole boys thing a break." Enid said as Y/N turned to Wednesday.

"I suppose it's smarter to investigate in the daytime, when we can see better and when there's less chance of it attacking." Y/N said as Wednesday looked at him. "Besides, I think she deserves to just have this night work out, huh? After all she's been through."

"The investigation-"

"Is still going to be here when you get back. Come on Wends, look at her. She needs a break." Y/N said as Wednesday thought about it as she looked Enid up and down.

"Promise we'll investigate the cave?"

"Promise, you can call it an early birthday party." Y/N said as Wednesday smiled.

"You remembered my birthday?"

"Always. Now what do you say?" Y/N said as Wednesday looked to Y/N and Enid.

"Fine. But you and I are having a long hard talk, and you're paying for my dress." Wednesday said as Y/N smirked.

"I'll consider it your birthday present." Y/N said as Wednesday nodded.

"Speaking of which. You lost this." Wednesday said as she pulled out Y/N's watch that was found in the monster's lair. Y/N smiled and looked at her.

"Grazie Cara mia." Y/N said as he put his watch on. "What's Eugene doing by the way?"

"He's collecting bug samples." Wednesday said as Y/N nodded.

"Right. I should go get ready."

"Y/N, what was in the book that you were looking at?" Wednesday asked as Y/N looked back.

"Like you said, we need to have a long, hard talk when this is finished." Y/N said as he left, Enid looked up at Wednesday.

"Thanks." Enid said as Wednesday felt someone pleased by the gratitude, she looked at the enthusiastic werewolf and nodded before leaving to go and look for the book Y/N was reading...

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now