40. Jealousy.

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After their little celebration about baby's first crawling....tae volunteered to get his angel ready. Kook didn't denied as it would take less time for them to get ready....all would be waiting for them for breakfast as it's already 11 in the morning. Kook felt sad that he couldn't help his eomma's in kitchen today.

" Uhh...I should have woke up early to help them in cooking" kook whined talking to himself....but tae heard it clearly which made him quite shock.

" What?  I can see that you are clearly tired...yet you are willing to work more" tae's stern voice made kook look up at him with his wide innocent eyes.

Before kook could protest tae's voice again made him shut up.

" No ! You are not going to work anything today...I have already appointed maids they would be here till evening....so don't you dare go against my words jungkookie" Tae said while pointing his index finger at kook.... looking at him sternly living no choice for his wife but to agree.

" Ok" kook obeyed bobbing his head up and down while a big pout was formed on his pinkish lips.

" I will get angel ready ......you too get ready then let's go downstairs everyone must be waiting" Tae said now in his soft voice... he didn't intended to use stern voice on his wify but what can he do.....he surely knows kook wouldn't have agreed otherwise.

With a sweet smile tae got his angel ready ......it's always kook who would ready the baby....but tae too does it at weekends .....he learned how to bath and dress the baby from kook who was very much excited than him to teach .

Tae gave a bubble bath to his baby ......after contemplating much he opted to make his angel wear simple pajamas as he remembered they aren't going out today...they would but not today as all are very much tired from yesterday.

Tae was applying powder on baby's chubby cheeks to complete his look...when kook got out the washroom wearing a simple purple hoodie with matching track...while his open hair was all wet......yet the simple look of his wife took tae's breath away.

His heart was bearing so loud....tae was coeing inside at how adorable jungkook looked in oversized clothes...not to mention his cute sweater paws.

" Give me just five minutes" kook said while walking hurriedly to the dresser to dry his wet hair with the hair dryer.

After that he quickly made a pony of his long soft hair.....he wouldn't mind leaving it open but while eating his hair strands would annoy him a lot which he doesn't want.

Kook applied pink lipbalm on his lips ... turning around he found his husband and pup  quietly sitting on the bed watching his every move attentively with fascinating eyes.

Kook chuckled before calling them ..... they seems to zoned out while watching the ethereal beauty infront of them.

" Let's go" kook uttered in his soft voice... walking to the bed he lifted his bubba in his arms who was looking so cute in bear printed pajamas.

Tae too got up and the three of them headed downstairs...... stepping down the first thing they met was the delicious aroma of pancakes.

" Ahh I am so hungry" Tae whined as the delicious aroma made his hunger more effected.......kook who was observing his husband all along couldn't help but chuckle as tae was looking so cute while pouting and rubbing his soft tummy....just like a baby.

" What?" Tae asked turning to kook hearing his sweet giggles.

" Nothing....let's hurry ...l am a goner for the pancakes too" kook said while smiling sweetly at tae......Tae nodded and they both headed towards the dining table where everyone were already present....it was Irene who made the breakfast ' the delicious pancakes' and in return Irene got all the lovely compliments and praises making her smile delightfully.

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