Chapter 5

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Jungkook pov.

Once again another mission complete successfully. I worked day and night to became who I am today the world youngest multi-billionaire who built Jeon industries alone on my own but beside this I am world biggest mafia king. People shivered when they heard my name as I am known as the most cruel and ruthless person that ever existed.

I was on my way to my parent's mansion because my eomma keep complainting that I don't even have time to visit her as the dramatic person she is, finally convinced or should I say manipulate me!" Araggh" its not that I don't want to meet them but I know that they'll annoyed me again with this thing and as a person with anger issues, I don't know how to deal with this. Maybe I'm the most cruel person in the world but my parents and bangtan brothers are the only thing that matter to me.

Walking-out of my car with my guards behind me....without wasting anytime the head-maids of the mansion opened the door with their heads lowered down...with respect or fear in their eyes as they should *smirk* .......walking to the living room where I find my eomma looking at some photos which was in her hands.

"Eomma " when she heard my voice...she immediately came towards my direction and took me in her embrace. "Kookie finally you're here my son " she said while crying which made me rolled my eyes...not her being dramatic again...why! did I even agree to came here.

// Time skip

Dinner time.

"How are you son " said Mr Jeon with no emotions on his face while he take his seat at the dinner table

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"How are you son " said Mr Jeon with no emotions on his face while he take his seat at the dinner father like son with their cold ass........." Fine" jungkook coldly responsed. "How's work?" Mr Jeon said... "Good" with that they started to eat their dinner.

Mrs Jeon was used to her husband's nature and behaviour but she never expected jungkook to be more cold and emotionless..... She had always dream for her son to get a life partner who would love him and always be by his side and who would took good care of him. But jungkook never believe in those love words..... he believe that girls are just golddiggers and sluts.

"Kookie i have something to tell you but promise you won't get angry" mrs jeon said hoping that her son to listen to her. " That depends on what you're saying" he said without looking at her and continue to eat his dinner. "So the thing is that ....humm... *sigh* friend Mrs. Lee came here a week ago with a proposal with her daugther Irene" said Mrs Jeon with lots of hope in her eyes.

"No" he said while his hand tightened about the spoon he was holding... Already knowing what his mom was trying to say...not wanting lose his control...." Please jungkook atleast you could meet her.....she seem to be a nice gr- " " ENOUGH AGAIN WITH THE SAME FUCKING BULLSH!T" he harshly thrown everything that was on the table.... without saying another word he make his way outside of the mansion. Mrs Jeon who keep screaming his name.... went after him and without looking back he left.

Mrs Jeon pov.

As always he left with rage*sigh* why can't he undestand that not every girl are the same! 'I just want you to find someone who will truthy love you ....someone who will make you feel loved....someone who is destined to you..... eomma just want you to see you happy for once jungkook.....' with a sad face....I return inside the mansion just to see my husband calmly sat on the couch of the living room.

Mrs Jeon : How can you calmly sit here and act like nothing happens?

Mr Jeon : What do you want me to do huh!... to go after him and beg him to stay like you just did.....

Mrs Jeon : it's your fault today my son is like that ..... YOU made him heartless..

Mr Jeon : " oh please stop with this drama now.....I only made him strong....the rest he made himself like that... I didn't force him for anything it was always his choice......he became mafia king on his own.... Today he became who he is not because it was given to him but because he earned it.." with that he also left.



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To be continued

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