Season 2 | Chapter 13

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She ran through the wild forest with her right leg which was bleeding as it got injured during the time she escaped the explosion.

She was tired as hell as she just ran kilometres away from the mansion, the forest was turning darker and darker as some parts of the forest wasn't getting the light from the moon with those big tall trees surrounding around.

Suddenly her foot slipped on the muddy ground as she roughly landed on the dirty ground.

She heavily sighed in frustration, as she stayed laid down, staring at the dark sky filled with millions of star shining brightly.

She suddenly flinched as she heard a voice from the other side, as she turned her head, just to rolled her eyes in return.

" You can't escape your fate..."

" You

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" You...again!!...old bit#h..." She said in a mockingly tone while the old lady chuckled in return.

" You can't change the path of the your fate were already graved.... you're just slowing down the path but in the end ...there will be the only one altimate ending which won't be change....."

" You with your fake a#s prophecy ... Huh..tell me why I still didn't kill you..." Hana sarcastically chuckled.

" did try to...but how can you kill someone whose already dead..."

The old lady said with a creepy smile plastered on her wrinkled face.

" Yeahh.. right..My bad... I'll always forget that detail....." Hana heavily sighed while her sight was still focused on the dark sky.

" Why don't you accept the child..."

" And why don't you stop being a pain in my a#s..." She mockingly said, hearing to response Hana turned her head to see the where the old lady where sitting, but she wasn't there anymore.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝐶𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 || 𝕁.𝕁𝕂 𝔽𝕗 ||Where stories live. Discover now