Chapter 28

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"You become very dangerous
When you learn to control
Your feelings

When you learn to survive alone
You survive everything."

- Yoongi



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A young man with his well built body standing half naked near the balcony of his hotel room, lost in his thoughts when a genuine smile appeared on his face as he recalled the memories of his sister.

A tear left his eyes as he remember the day when the body of his innocent sister was found completely unrecognizable, as she was beating and raped to death. His palm tightened into a fist as he remember that day when he lost everything.

That same day when his mother couldn't bare the lost of her daughter, as she commit suicide on the same very day. That day a 13yr old boy was burning in the flames of vengeance, as law couldn't gave his mother and sister justice, so he gave justice to them when he killed the culprit in such a brutal way which was the most horrific murder case that ever existed at that time.

As he was lost in his thoughts, the ringing of his phone brought him back to his sense.

He answered the call as his assistant spoken " Mr. Cassano...the press conference is going to start in a few minutes"

" I'm coming..and btw where's Mr.Min" Vincenzo asked his assistant as he didn't see yoongi since the meeting was adjourned by Mr.Jeon who left for Seoul right after.

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