Chapter 21

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Every time you pushed deeper
I moaned louder
To drown my cries
Every time you pushed deeper
I smiled wider
To catch the tears before they fall
Before they fall on to your tongue
Swirling under mine
As I take a sip of wine
Wondering of the thin line
Between love and obsession.




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«You're my first love and last
I love you till my last breath»

«You're my first love and last I love you till my last breath»

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" Kiss me princess "

"W-what" I said while removing my palms immediately from his cheek but his hold on my waist got tighten than before.

I gulped hard feeling uneasy from his gaze, he was looking at me with his predecious stare, I have to admit that jungkook is really confusing person, his aura was dark but he is a nice and gentle person too.

I could feel the disappointment and anger from his stare when I push him a little to keep an distance between us. I know that was rude but we just know each for what 2 weeks and I was not ready this.

"Please Jungkook...I know that I promise to gave a chance to this relationship.... but that doesn't mean that I'm this comfortable with you to do all this lovely dovey couple things......" I know whatever I just said will made him upset but I have to tell him the truth. Myself knew that after this mouth ends, this relationship will come to an end also because I realized that even if I try everything but I could never forget or remove him from my life completely because once upon a time he was my everything.

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