Chapter 24

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I love you even if you don't
I care for you even if you care for him
You're the only one for me
Even after everything
you're still my best friend
I promise to save you from him
To protect you till my last breath
I just want you to be happy and safe
That's all that matters to me.

- Eunwoo



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Eunwoo pov.

" Sir they just enter at XXX restaurant " My assistant Tony said over the phone.

" What about his guards?"

" There are 17 cars full of his guards that are surrendering the entire restaurant" He response.

" What about yn Tony.... She's fine right" I said in a serious voice as Yn's safety is my first priority.

" Miss Yn is alright Mr.Cha, she was blindfolded when she got out of his car.... It's seem like Mr.Jeon prepared some kind of surprise or something like that" He said as he send me pictures of them entering the restaurant together.

" Ok..just keep an eye on them.... especially on that bastard.." I hang up the phone.

I know that Yn has been dating Jungkook. And how he's been manipulating her by the lies he been telling her.

I know everything from the very start.

First that fucking bastard that had stolen her from me in the past, and now this Jeon Jungkook who came out of nowhere.

Tony informed me everything that's been happening when I wasn't here.

Even the day when we had our date, I knew that she was with him.

And my Innocent Yn who is not aware of anything.

Recently I just find out that he planned to marry her which I can't let happen.

I agreed that I love her, and if she loved him, I would have let her go but that bastard manipulate her so much that now she believe all of his lie.

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