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A woman whose hands and legs was tie on the metal chair which was fixed on the ground, stained of dry blood around her forehead, her head was lowered down while her eyes was closed.

Her weak body with lots of bruises while some of her wounds was still bleeding.

The room was dark, no sign of light inside, no water or food for her to consume her hunger, her mind was numb, her soul was long time gone, the more torture she gets, the more she felt numb, her painful wounds was nothing compared to her bleeding heart that was eating her from inside.

The sound of the door opening could be heard but she remained still as she didn't even opened her eyes to see who it was as she already knew who just entered the dark room.

Loud foot steps of the old man coming towards the woman whose head was still lowered down while the man exhale the smoke from his mouth as a cigarette was in his hold.

The old man pulled a chair and sat right infront of her, he stared at the woman while a smirk appeared on his face.

" Won't you greet your father a good morning ". The man uttered making the woman darkly chuckled, as she slowly opened her emotionless eyes, raising her head to darkly stared at the man infront of her.

The old man raised his palm and caress her cheek as he softly stared at his daughter who was looking at him with an dark expression.

" You look just like your mother.." the man heavily sigh as he look away and remained his cold expression on his face.

" I know that you loathe me...but I'm doing all this for your own good...and yourself will thank me in the future... " He stood up as he went across the room, bringing back a machine and keep it right next to her, while the woman's stares was fixed on the ground.

She knew what was coming, the first it hurt her like hell as she screamed her lungs out as she remembers the first time that old man attached to those wires on her body, but time passed, she got used to it as now it make her felt calm.

Herself never knew that she had dark side that was hiding, her normal self was long time gone, as now her dark side took possession.

She never knew that she had a dangerous version of herself that hiding somehow inside her.

The voices that always was tormenting her, now those voices was her only way to calm her own self.

As time passed the voices became louder and louder.

She felt a sudden pain, as the old man attached the wires that immediately sent electric shock, which was shaking her whole body but she remained still as now the pain was just a piece of cake for her, she felt good feeling the sensation of the electrical shock.

The old man stared at her being amused as finally he got what he wanted but it was just the beginning of a new story.

The woman moaned in pleasure as she started to laugh like a crazy person, her laughing could be heard inside the dark room, while her forehead started to bleed due to the high level of voltage that was going though the wires attached to her body.

The voices inside her head screaming only one thing.








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