Chapter 11

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The next morning...

Yn pov.

The sunlight was hitting my face disturbing me from sleeping. ' ahh my head is paining'  I turn myself hiding my  face in the blanket.. ' whyy this blanket feel so soft and smelt so good as from what I remember that my blanket is rough like a rock and smelt like a rotten cat...' I was about to close my eyes again.... that's when I realize that it was not my mattress nor my blanket...... Immediately I opened my eyes looking everything around me.....' this is not my room!!.....WHERE THE FUCK AM I???' then I remember that last night was dancing with that guy after that nothing!! Everything is blurry. Then I look at my clothes....' thk god ' my clothes was the same ...even my jewelry was the same ways I wear them last night......

I got up from the bed and was looking around. Everything was luxury....I saw a door at the other corner of the room which seem to be the bathroom I think....' wait am i doing?? First i should find out where i am...and at whose apartment..!!!' I heard some noise downstairs..... ' must be the person who had bring me here' God I'm sweating badly to think what kind of creep it'll be?..... I never going to club ever again.. Unlucky me ...i also don't have my phone to call for help.....' okay yn...take a deep breath....and go downstairs'......

It wasn't just a luxury apartment instead its a freaking penthouse

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It wasn't just a luxury apartment instead its a freaking penthouse....that person must be rich. I was finally downstairs when I could smell a delicious arome hit my nose which make my stomach ache. ' Im staving' I saw the back of a man facing me who was busy cooking something. But when that mystery-guy turn around.....I completely froze like a statue....

He was the most handsome man I ever seen

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He was the most handsome man I ever seen. With his apron thighen to his waist showing how muscular-body he has. Am i dreaming or what!!!! *Fake cough* " I know I'm handsome" now I'm embarrassed...I was just staring at him like a owl.... He must be thinking that I'm a weirdo!!

"uhh..uhh..w-where I am" fuck why did I just stuttered.

" Good morning to you too... Actually we're in my penthouse at xxxx residents " he spoke in a deep voice..god even his voice is sexy like him..... dear god now I can see you took a long time creating this man right here... because this man is a master-piece.

" Sorry...good morning..." Why I keep on embarrassing myself today.

" Come ...and eat your breakfast....I hope you like pancakes " he said while placing a plate with pancake on it. I went quickly and settle myself at the kitchen corner. Looking at this delicious pancakes was making my mouth-watering. I started to eat since I didn't eat anything last night. 'Woahh this pancakes was freaking delicious ' " I hope you like it " that bunny-guy said while he came with his plate on sat in front of me. " I love it...its so delicious..." " Good to hear that " he gave me a smile which was making him more attractive.

??? : Im Jungkook btw

Yn : I'm yn... but how did I end up here Jungkook..* Feeling a little nervous*

Jungkook heart was beating very fast when he heard yn saying his name. It was like he just won an award. He knew that yn would ask him questions but he was already prepared for that.

Jk : "ohh about that ....last night you were so drunk that you couldn't walk properly that's when I accidentally bump into you but you wasn't in your sense.....I keep asking you your address but then you black out.....i couldn't leave a beautiful girl like you in that I bring you here..." Jungkook was observing your face expression.... smirk to himself looking at you lost in your thoughts.... knowing that you have no choice but to believe him.

" Ohhh....i-i s-sorry for troubling you" yn was apologizing to Jungkook. Feeling bad for being a burden to him...if it was an another person..he would just leave her like that. But he didn't!!

Jungkook's face soften when he saw how innocent and fragile yn was. He just want to hug her so badly but he still control himself not wanting to scared her.

" Heyy ...its okay... don't were no trouble to me... instead I'm so glad that I got to know someone so kind and sweet like you..." He said those words while he place his palm on hers... softly holding her hands into his.

His words make yn blushed like a red tomato and was feeling some kind of sensation inside her stomach when he was holding her hands..... As she never feel like this before.


//Time skip


Jungkook and yn get to know each other as they was talking since this morning. As now Jungkook's plan was working and yn who was slowly being trap in his lies... didn't know that her life wouldn't be the same she let the beast captured his prey.

Jungkook told yn that he was a small business-man and..... doesn't have much friend... beside his hyungs.... In which Yn blindly trust him. But unknown that by trusting him would made her life an living-hell.

To be continued


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