Season 2 | Chapter 7

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After thinking about everything taehyung just told her, Hana then went downstairs while the music was pretty loud as she could see many people dancing on the dance floor while some seem pretty drunk.

Taehyung's warning keep roaming in her head, she doesn't really what to do, everything was so messed up.

She decided to leave as she had to think what to do next.

She pulled out her phone to call a cab.

After arriving at her apartment, she immediately removed her heels and threw on the other side of the living room.

Then throw herself on the couch, as she heavily sighed.

When suddenly her phone rang.

She picked up the call while her eyes was still closed as she was tired

What the other person on the call said next, make her immediately opened her eyes wide in shock.

" WHAT.." She massage her temple as it was paining. " Ok I'm coming..." She quickly went inside her room in a rush and immediately changed her clothes.

She threw the gown on the floor and grabbed a pair of black jean with a white shirt then wear her black leather jacket.

She quickly wear her black boots as she went to grabbed her new FBI ID along with her revolver.

She quickly locked her apartment door and went downstairs where a police Jeep was waiting for her.

The officers inside immediately salute her due to respect while Hana quickly get inside.

Soon they reached the crime scene, where Hana saw Seojun who was talking to another officer there.

Soon they reached the crime scene, where Hana saw Seojun who was talking to another officer there

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Hana walks towards them while Seojun immediately noticed her present as he keep his cold face.

" What the heck happened here..." Said Hana while her sight on the horrific scene infron of her.

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