Season 2 | Final

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" Do you love Lisa .." Taehyung's sudden question make Jimin furrowed his brows.

" Of course I do.." Jimin answered immediately.

" Can you buried your loyalty for her sake..." Taehyung's question made Jimin silent, as words couldn't form, he did love her, but didn't have the audacity or courage to sacrifice the loyalty he had for Jungkook.

" Then don't truly love her.. Jimin-nah. Because Love is that feeling that could change a demon like me into a better man... That feeling have healed all the wound that this dark world built inside me soul....That same feeling that made me sacrifice my every happiness just for her freedom to live her life freely....That same feeling that made me recognized her the moment my eyes laid on her in that award show and even if she would have changed her whole appearance...I would have still recognize her and you know why because I didn't fall in love with her body but her soul... unknownly my soul was bonded strongly to her's.," Taehyung uttered his every words deeply from his heart, making Jimin's heart ache as his love for Lisa could never cross this powerful level of bond.

He took a deep breath, as he can't let emotions took over himself.

" Move from my way Taehyung-nah.." Jimin threatened while pointing his revolver, his hand tightened around the pistol, as he felt his heart heavily knowing that he won't move.

" You already know the answer Jimin-nah.." Taehyung state with no regret on his face.

Jimin's becaming teary while his hands trembling a little but remained his aim still.

" P-Please don't make me .." His words trembling as his heavily breathing turning into little sob, leaving his mouth.

" Before danger could even touch a strand of her hair... I'll always be standing infront of her like a shield protecting her .. forever..till my last breath...even if death do us apart... I'll always be standing beside her... protecting her from every evil being before they could even cross her path.." Taehyung claimed, as his eyes showed the pure love he had for her, making Hana's eyes teary as her heart was paining badly from inside, as she could felt every words he spoken, stabbing her multiple times, pouring out every emotions she hide for years.

" P-Please ..." Jimin pleaded one last time, while Taehyung didn't move an inche, drop of tears leaving his eyes while Taehyung just sadly smile in return.

Hana suddenly panicking as she could see Jimin's finger that was about to pull the trigger, she painful tired to grabbed her pocket knife that was inside her boot, she quickly aim with her eyes at Jimin's hand that was holding the revolver and threw the pocket knife with a force but before it could stab him . 


* BANG *

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