Season 2 | Chapter 2

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A tall and muscular man with his right arm full with tattoos as well as his whole chest was covered with the colorful tattoos imprinted on.

He was half-naked while only a towel on his waist covering his lower body. A glass of dark wine in his hold while he was deeply looking at the moonlight in the deep night.

His thumb slowly caressing the ring on his ring finger, as he heavily sighed while memories flashed infront of him... " ..Princess.." her nickname which he gave her escape from his mouth. That how he was living though all these years, he was only living with her memories which she left behind.

People claimed that he was only obsessed with her, but they never could see the love for her which he was hiding inside.

Why can't they see the love he had for her, and how much he was suffering without her, as till today he never removed his wedding ring from his finger, people say that he was acting like a crazy person, but how to tell them that he was already crazily in love with her from the very first day.


| Flashback |


Everytimes he recalled that cursed night, he burnt in rage while destroyed everything infront of his sight, after that incident, he tried everything to found her, but then two days later, the authority found a dead body which was deep in the ocean, that day he refused to believe that dead body was his princess.

But then he gained his courage and went to confirmed the identify of the dead body. He was standing infront of the mortuary building where the dead body was kept.

The forensic reports claimed that the corpse belong to a female, aged around 20 years old, died from two bullets, one bullet was found on the right side of her chest and the other one was found on the left side of her waist.

He stood near the table where a corpse was laid on while a white sheet was covering the while body.

With trembling hands he slowly put down the white sheet, revealing the face of the corpse.

Tears formed in his eyes, but he was still holding them from falling, there was his princess who was laying there, with a pale face, her pink soft lips was now pale, her face who has many scratchs, while her eyes remained closed, he slowly bring his palm her her face, as he was slowly caressing her cheeks, but felt the coldness, her warmth wasn't here anymore.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝐶𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 || 𝕁.𝕁𝕂 𝔽𝕗 ||Where stories live. Discover now