Chapter 16

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Author pov.

Sitting on the couch of the huge living room, Jungkook was staring at his phone impatiently waiting for yn to reply his message.

" Chill bro... Maybe she's just sleeping .." say hoseok sipping his wine 🍷.

Jungkook sigh thinking that maybe you fall asleep as it was also so late. But unknown that you switch off your phone as you were stressing out.

Jk: yeah maybe you're right

" Congrats btw" said namjoon while his whole attention was on his phone. " You finally got your girl" he chuckled.

" that person whose name could make the whole world shit in their now being lovesick over his girl who didn't text his love message back cute" yoongi said in a sarcasticly tone while rolling his eyes.

Jungkook just roll his eyes at him, thinking why did he even recuit yoongi as his gang member. Since then this man has been a pain in the ass.

" Can't you shut the fuck up for once suga " response jin as he know that wherever this man his mouth open is just to talk shit.

" you have a problem with me old-dick head" now yoongi who was dangerously glaring at jin.

" WTF did you just call me" jin clenched his jaw with his hands thighen into a fist.

" Are you dumb or did you really became this old that you couldn't heard me the first time..." yoongi said with a smirk on his face.

" God!! Not again..." Jimin whispered as all of them were tired of those two idiot that keep fighting each other.

Jin give yoongi a hard punch on his nose making it bleed then try to kick him on the stomach but miss it as yoongi blend down avoid to get hit, in return he punched Jin's chin then crunched his fist into his face. By the sudden impact, jin was struggling to get up from the floor as now yoongi was on top on him brutally punching his face but then with all his strength he manage to kick yoongi and now it was jin who was on top of yoongi. But just before he could continued the fight, Jungkook grab his collar from behind and with all his strength he pushed him away.

"STOP THIS FUCKING NONSENSE BEFORE I SHOT BOTH OF YOU ...." Jungkook yell at them which make them look down, not wanting to face Jungkook who wouldn't think twice before killing someone. They keep their mouth shut as they knew that if a word left their mouth, they won't see the sunrise tomorrow. Without saying another word he left and make his way upstairs to his room. Knowing that yoongi and jin would never stop until someone died. He would only waste his previous time on them.

" I swear.....if both of you don't stop... One's me who will kill you both.." Namjoon who was side-eyeing both of them.

" But what the prob between you two??" Hoseok who was question them with a confused look.

" Jhope is too ... I'm been noticing that you two have something against each other!!" Jimin with a suspicious look.

" It's not me the problem here...but this motherfucker who can't mind his own fucking business..." Jin who was wiping off the blood from his face with a towel.

" What! It's not my fault that your marriage is falling apart...." Yoongi who was feeling annoy by jin' words.

" See that's what I'm saying...this bitch keep on interfering in everything that doesn't concern him..." As he was now dangerously glaring at yoongi while yoongi sarcastically roll his eyes at him.

" Ohh...see whose talking ...the one who had fucking kill my pregnant girlfriend and now you're telling me that I should mind my own that's hilarious...tsk..." Yoongi reply while trying to control himself not wanting to start a fight with him again.

" knew very well that bloody slut was cheating on you and was a spy who was trying to link our information to another don't tell me that's the reason that you're angry with me..... because I know that there is another reason..... So just tell what the that we can end this shit right now....." Said jin as now he was determine to know the reason and to solved the problem between them.

" I-its j-just" yoongi who was trying to speak but end up stuttered which surprised the everyone.

" Did you just stutter???..." Jimin said as he was shock because everyone knew that yoongi isn't someone who hesitate to say something.

" Fuck you jimin" yoongi cursed him then he took a deep breath before he continue speaking " it's truth that I don't give a darn about that bitch....the thing is that you knew that I have something for your sister but still you send her aboard... Because for you, she should get involved with someone like me right..."

" Yoongi....she doesn't like you... She already have a fiance and is gonna to get married next year...." Jin uttered.

" Yeah...and jisoo also had someone in her life but you killed what's the difference between me and you ...seokjin ....tell me..." Yoongi question him. " I understand is this because she's your sister...." he chuckled.

Jin couldn't look in yoongi's eyes as he knew that he was right. He didn't want this life for his sister. He know that yoongi would treat her as a queen but there'll be times that he would lost his temper as everyone present here are the same including himself , the way he treated jisoo but whenever he lose his control used her as a punching bag. He didn't want the same fate for his sister.

 He didn't want the same fate for his sister

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To be continued...

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