Chapter 6

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A few week later...

Yn pov.

The bright sunlight hit my face. Because of that I struggle to sleep. Then I turn around my body to the other side of the bed and tried to sleep again. Few min later the reality hit my head, i'm getting late for work "FUCK "! I immediately get up from my bed while throwing my bedsheet and run to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

After that I took my belonging and walk-out of my apartment. I was walking or should I say running to the bus stop but unlucky me on the way that Stupid signal light is taking forever to turn green.

After a whole decade, finally I cross the road. I don't know why but I'm having this feeling that someone is staring at me, looking around to check but nothing "maybe I'm wrong......" suddenly my phone was ringing so I went thought my bag to pick up the call.



first of all STOP SCREAMING my ear is  paining because of you

Siya: oh no worries honey when you'll
reach here its your ass who will be paining because I'll kick that pretty ass of yours so freaking hard that will make you think thousand time before being late ever again.

: Yn
ok ok sorry I'll be there in 5 mins

Siya: you better hurry your ass because Mr. Cha has being asking for you

Sh!t : Yn

Call ended

Btw Siya and me became very good friend more like best friend. Seem like we are sister but from another mother.
Oh I almost forget to tell you, me and my mother started to talk since last week. We finally ended our fight and once again be the lovely dovey daughter-mother bond we are.
I know you must have thinking that my mom is like the evil-witch who is the villain in the story bla-bla-blaaaa. But you got it all wrong. So let me you the whole story.

My father Yoomin Swan half-korean because my grandma was korean but seem I didn't get much of my dad genes i don't look that much korean. So my dad was a very popular writer who worked in a company but where time pass by thing started to get very hard thats when he got fired but since he took many loans someone had to pay all of the debts that my dad that taken and that was my brother dr. Daniel Swan.

I always believed that my dad took those loans because of my brother but last week when my mom told me the actual truth that made me feel sad for my mom or more over angry at my father. The real reality of my father is that he was not the person who I think he was. He was cheating on my mom for the last 30 years of their marriage and tooks all of those debts for that greedy slut but when mom find out what was happening my dad started to abused her, make me believe that my mother was greedy for money. But when that slut left him for another guy who was rich thats when he committed  suicide and killed himself. And my poor mother who have been suffering for so long. She ask me for forgiveness for how badly she spoke to me, its just that she is scared and worried for me being alone on my own and she also said to be that her last wish was that her daughter gets married to someone who would take good care of me.

Now I have to get the courage to face Siya because today only god could safe me from her. Its gonna to be a long day. But unknown that she just step in the devil's hell.


Jungkook pov.

Some other mafia gang had tried to mess with me and stole a huge amount of weaponries but they don't know that they did the biggest mistake of their life. That mafia gang are planning to go abroad to hide from me but the only thing they don't know is that wherever you are hiding, you can never escaped from the Devil.

After getting ready, he call jimin and order him to be ready with the other gang member.

He got out from his mansion and enter in his car and gave a signal to the driver to starts the car while his other mens are following his car in their five cars.

Jungkook is looking outside from the window when his car stopped at the road cross... Suddenly his eyes fell on a girl. Never in his whole life any girl caught his attention or even attracted him, its was always sex and lust for him... Jungkook can't help but to observe her unique features. She is wearing a simple clothes but she still looks so gorgeous and attractive. She has big beautiful deep brown eyes, fair skin and a long wavy black hair which she tied in a ponytail. She is s not looking like a korean. Jungkook is busy admiring Yn when his gang member's car horn sound make him came back to his senses. He understood that they must be thinking why his car was not moving from that road cross. He want to go to Yn right now but he have to go to the mission otherwise the other mafia gang will escape. But the curiosity to know her name....her age....her everything never left his mind..

To be continued

To be continued _________________________________________

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