Chapter 22

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The more you push me away
The more I want you
The more you try to run away
The more I'll chase you
The more you hate me
The more I love you

H.C -



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A few weeks later....

Your relationship with Jungkook improved a lot, more to say that now you two are officially a lovely couple which surprised you because you never think that this relationship would work. Jungkook try everything to make you fall in love with you in which somehow he succeed cause now everytime you saw him your heart beats faster than ever. His every compliment always make you blushed till you became red as a tomato.

Even if he's very busy, he always get time for you. Everytime you think about him your stomach was fill with butterflies.

Jungkook on his side... he's falling deeper and deeper in love with you. He also was so happy that finally everything was working according to his plan. He knew that slowly you're falling for him. Everytime he hold your hands now you didn't push away or resist him instead you hold it with all your emotions. Everytime he kissed you , you didn't resist to kiss him back with the same amount of affection.

Now he wasn't in hurry for the wedding cause now he could saw that you too also love him. Now he was preparing himself to proposed to you after a few months. He didn't want you to hate him as you're the only one who could make him feel the love that he never got.

In the past, he had planned to kidnap you and forcily marry you but now everything was going perfect. So he planned to proposed to you on your 21th birthday.

You still didn't knew much about him just that he was an small business-man as you were just blindfold with all his lies.


Yn pov.

" oh come on yn... don't be this boring..... It's just a night out between girls....." Siya who was trying to persuade me to go out with them.

It's not that I don't want to but remembering every time I went out, I just found myself get in trouble.

And also I can't tonight cause me and Jungkook already had plans.

" You know very well that I had a date with Jungkook tonight" you said while you ordered your coffee as both of you were in a Café shop that was just across the street near the building where you worked at.

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