Season 2 | Chapter 14

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" Fu#k...FU#K..." Yoongi destroying every furniture in the office as he felt like he was about to explode.

" C-Chief..." Stefan called him from behind while he trembled in terror.

" WHAT " yoongi yelled at him in rage, as his mind was completely messed up, his brain couldn't proceed the truth about Officer Hana Jones being the serial killer.

Every puzzle started to glued together.

" Jungkook succeed in finding Officer Jones... Some of our spy confirm the information...." Stefan said in a professional voice, while from inside he was completely soaked in fear.

" These are the documents that had being found under the ruins of Lee's Mansion..." Stefan said while placing the file on the desk.

Yoongi immediately grabbed the file, as he reads it, then frowned his brows.

" Call Rosé...tell her I demand her present in my office ..." He order him as he harshly threw the file on the desk.

" Also call Jackson Wang...tell him that he has to end this fu#king Maze....I want him in my office till afternoon...I don't fu#king know how...but I want him here in this darn office...did you understand Stefan...." He spat at him.

" Yes...Sir.." with that Stefan stormed out of his office.

Yoongi ruffled his hair in frustration when a thought cross his mind.

He immediately grabbed his coat and rushed out of the office, ran towards his car and drove to his destination.

Soon he arrived at the place, as he stormed out of his car, but as he was trying to go inside, the guards at the entrance stopped him.

" You can't go inside Sir...if you don't have an appointment or pass card....." One of the guards said.

Yoongi gritted his teeth in anger, " tell your boss that Min Yoongi wants to meet him...tell him it's urgent...." . The guards nodded, as they asked the receptionist inside to call their Boss.

It's been more than half an hour but still no response came from inside.

Yoongi kept waiting there, while patting his feet on the ground, meanwhile he started to gets headaches from the bright sun.

Later the Receptionist walked outside, as she faced Yoongi.

" Mr.Min... I apologized for the wait....Our Master was in an important meeting...but I just got him on the phone... Let me show you the way towards his Office..." The receptionist bowed her head in pardon, then walked back inside with Yoongi walking behind her.

Soon they reached his office, where the receptionist bowed before leaving Yoongi there.

He stared at the big door before pulling the knob.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝐶𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 || 𝕁.𝕁𝕂 𝔽𝕗 ||Where stories live. Discover now