Season 2 | Chapter 8

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| Author pov.

" How the fu#k... wasn't I informed about Hana Jones being the lookalike of Yn swan.." yoongi uttered while gritting his teeth.

" Look... Yn's chapter was close the day she die... And about Inspector Jones.... We didn't took notice...." The man sitting Infront of the large desk with multiple documents over it.

" you didn't took notice..." yoongi sarcastically repeat that person's sentence as he poked his cheek with his tongue being totally annoyed.

" Everything is so fu#k up..." Yoongi uttered while he pulled out a cigarette from his pocket, as he placed it on his lip and light it up while inhaling the smoke down his lungs.

" Nothing is making sense now... As Hana made her unexpected entry ...I saw the fire in Jungkook's eyes whenever he stared at her.... I know he's planning something....but what.." Yoongi said as he was deeply thinking about everything that was happening. " The guilt of not being able to save Yn still haunt and night...." Yoongi mumbled as he was trying to hold his emotions while the other person lowered his head.

" Did you find anything about Hana being related to Yn..." Yoongi's question make the man pulled out a file and placed it Infront of yoongi.

" The time when Yn died...Hana jones was on a mission in the it's impossible for them to be the same person.... And also Lee Yoonmin had only a daughter which is clearly they aren't related.... But it's still unbelievable that they look so much alike..." The man said.

" But they are so many information missing about Hana jones.... And there's only one person who could give us the answer we wanted..." The man uttered making yoongi frowned his brow.

" Who?.." Yoongi asked.

" General Jackson Wang..." the man said making Yoongi nodded in return.

" Try to contact him as soon as possible..." Yoongi said as the man hummed in return.

Yoongi walked towards the big window that was showing the whole Seoul City from the floor he was at.

" Time won't be long when they'll find out about my real identity ..." Yoongi mumbled under his breath.

" Yoongi mumbled under his breath

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