Chapter 23

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Once I lay my eyes on something
It's belong to me
Whatever I wants, I get it
By hook or by crook
My new precious thing is you
You're my love
But my obsession is much deeper
You've to be mine in the end

- J.Jk



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Vincenzo pov.

" La situazione sta sfuggendo di mano signor Vincenzo..... .. stanno distruggendo tutto e tutti quelli che si trovano sulla loro strada {The situation is getting out of hand Mr.Vincenzo..... ... They're destroying everything and everyone that's is coming in their way}"; Roman Desgrasé, the right hand of R.J Italian mafia boss uttered over the phone call as Vincenzo was already stressing out over how much pressure he was on and now since the past few weeks every person who are related to illegal and underground business were complaining about the situation and risks they're put on, is another problem for which he need to find a solution. If this continues then god knows what future had reserved, as Jeon Jungkook is someone who is not afraid to burnt down the whole universe.

" Sto lavorando su questo problema... Si paziente Roman...ho già informato il signor Jeon della nostra situazione qui....  fidati di me su questo ok.... Chiamami semmai la cosa succede di nouvo.... Ci vediamo alla riunione { I'm working on this problem... Just be patience Roman....I already informed Mr.Jeon about our situation here.... trust me on this one me if anything happens again.... See you at the meeting}" I replied, ending the phone call. Tonight there'll be an urgent and confidential meeting which includes everything top businessman till the most underground mafias and as Mr.Jeon could not attend the meeting, he send one of his most trusted man.

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