Season 2 | Chapter 11

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" Hello Mr.Wang... it's an honour to have you here today.. I'm Stefan Gilbert.. I'm assistant of Head Chief of FBI organisation...." Stefan shakes hands with Jackson Wang who had a cold face expression.

Meanwhile Yoongi who was just in the room beside the one where Jackson was, who could see everything though the CCTV cameras and the microphones that was hidden in every corners of the room.

While he was monitoring Stefan on how to question him so that they could make him bark the truth.

" Let's get straight to the point... Stefan...why did you suddenly demanded me to come here..." Jackson coldly uttered while glaring at Stefan as he wasn't someone who like to waste a seconds from his precious time.

" It's about Hana Jones..." Stefan repeat the words which Yoongi said though the small earplugs that was attached to his left ear.

" Interesting..." A smirk appeared on the side of his lips while a dark chuckled left his mouth.

" so what do you want to know..." Jackson's question makes Stefan gulped while the expression of Jackson's face could tell that he knew that this moment would come.

Stefan handle him a confidential file, which Jackson took while frowning his brows.

He lazily opened the file, and read some parts inside, then closed while he harshly throw it on the table that was infront of him.

" You're really wasting my time Stefan... Ask whatever you want to know... " Jackson spat while he pulled out a cigarette, placing it on his lips, flame the edge of the cigarette as he inhaled the smoke down his lungs.

" I heard that you and Miss Jones were pretty close during your training and missions you accomplished together..." Stefan said.

While Jackson chuckled before speaking, " we were more like rivals... Me and Hana were the only soldiers that could go to any level of cruelty to win the task we were given.... But Hana were more different..she was on another level..she was like a killer machine... Nothing could stop her once she made her mind on winning..... But what a waste when she left the military.... While she could achieve more ...." .

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