Season 2 | Chapter 6

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" Ahh" Seojun gasps in pain as his forehead was bleeding while his right shoulder were badly injured.

All he could see was the toxic smoke that was spreading around.

He tried to get up but miserably failed.
He took a deep breath, before gaining a little courage as he had to put pressure on his shoulder to get up.

After finally standing up from the dusty floor, he couldn't see anything, as the smoke was too dark but still could heard people screaming.

" HANA.." He shouted her name, as he was searching for her.

Growling in shooting pain, he searched for her everywhere, while his eyes turned teary red, burning from the toxic smoke.

"Ahh sh!t" He could feel the soreness of his arm, as he painfully kneeled down.

Suddenly he feel someone holding his shoulder, when he turned to the side to see Kim Taehyung who make him stand up as he wrapped his strong arm around his shoulder, giving a support to stand.

"" he shortly whisper as he hissed in sorrow.

" We have to get out from here... Half of the hall is burning in flame..." Taehyung uttered as he helped Seojun, going towards the main entrance.

" Hana.. she's still inside.." Seojun said as they finally escape from that toxic smoke, as they exited the Hall.

" You stay here... I'm going to find her.." He said as he make Seojun sit on the ground which was a little far from the hall.

With that he immediately ran inside the hall that was burning in flame, he quickly removed his coat, as it caught on fire and threw it away.

He keep searching when he saw Lisa along with Hana helping people to get out.

He quickly ran towards them, " we have to get out from here ... The flame is going to burn this whole hall down.." he uttered as he also went to help them.

When his men ran towards him " Master we have to get out..." Making Taehyung gritted his teeth as he spoke" go fu#king help everyone who still couldn't get out..." Hana was stunned as she heard his darkened voice.

She wrapped her arm around the woman who was badly injured while Lisa helped another person who was unconscious due to the smoke.

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