Chapter 30

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" Ever if I had to kill myself,
I won't hesitate to do it
Cause I won't let a monster like you

- Yn






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??? Pov.

" If I had a flower for everytime
I thought about you,
I could walk through my garden forever."

I smiled whenever I thought about her, that's the only thing I'm been doing since the past few years. I'm only living with our memories we spent together.

" My soul cries every night
Longing for your warmth,
My mind is full everyday,
Fill with your memories
My heart beats every seconds,
Just for you."

I'm not a Poet, But since the day I left you, I probably became one as the deep silence killed me everyday.

If that time I didn't leave, I would have lose you forever. I left because your safety was my first priority.

"Even I have the power to search for you and make you mine, I won't do it cause I don't want your life to be at any risk, as this world of mine isn't made for an angel like you."

That was what I'm been telling myself for the past few years.

But now, my wait came to an end.

" The more I wait for you,
The more my desire became stronger
The more my love for you get deeper,
The more my obsession gets stronger."

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