Season 2 | Chapter 10

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Was I really this unlovable,
That you couldn't love me back,
Did I really deserve been known as the heartless devil,

While my stone heart starting to beat the day my eyes laid on you,
I wanted to change and be a better man for you,
But you never gave me a chance,
Did I really not deserve one last chance.”

- Jeon Jungkook



" you really think that this won't ruined our plan...if you revealed your identity to the General...." The man asked his Boss who had a glass of whiskey in his hold.

" I'll not reveal my face cause it'll be you who are going to talk to him... I'll just be on the other side... guiding you on how to question him..." yoongi claimed as he handled the on a small chip looking like a earplug, it was a hidden technology for secret missions, who had a microphone system on it.

" Keep your face blank and asked the question without any stutter...he shouldn't get suspicious...." Yoongi said while the man just nodded in return.

" This sh!tty war have to end....I don't know what are you planning Officer Jones...but soon we'll be facing eachother...and that time you'll have to answer all of the untold truth..." Yoongi's sight darkened while he left office and went to his penthouse to get ready for the funeral of Kim Seokjin.

Time skip, as Kim Seokjin' body were being buried, Rowoon stood bseide Taehyung with no tears or sense of sadness present on his face. His little hands tightened around the bouquet of Roses.

Taehyung motioned the little boy to put the flowers over the gravestone of his father while saying some last words to his father.

The little boy's eyes darkened with hatred as he kneel down, placing the bouquet on the grave.

" I hope you rot in hell...Appa.." Rowoon darkly chuckled, with a proud smirk on his face, his words came out as a whisper which was unheard by everyone present there.

Then he stood up and went towards Taehyung," Uncle Tae...can I go to see my eomma..." he hesitated at first but then agreed then signal one of his men to go with him.

" How's Rowoon ..." Jimin asked while he placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder as a sense of comfort.

" I don't know... He didn't even shed a tear when I told him trace of sadness..." Taehyung heavily sighed.

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