Chapter 9

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Namjoon pov.

' God just kill me already but don't let me witness this' Jeon Jungkook aka Satan himself praticing with jin to pretend to be a normal guy and for what! A girl?? ' ohh my Holy eyes' I still remember the day when jin came running to the living room and announce that The great Jeon Jungkook fall in love and that also love at first sight 😐 which made everyone laugh at him because that was the most hilarious thing we ever heard. Love?? Which all of us knew very well, never was in his vocabulary.

But here we are helping this one-side lover to pretend to be a normal guy, 'Whyy!! Because she's a girl who will never like or even glares at him as the bloody Mary he is. And whats the most funny part is that she doesn't know who j.jk we know that... simple as it seem to be but not really was....

When jungkook got all of her information etc... By the help of yoongi... without wasting time...he got ready to meet her but first he wanted to give her a test to see if she's a golddigger or not........

And I don't know where he got this idea but god whoever told him.. must be some lonely d!ck... Jungkook got ready like a king and stood in front of the company she's working in with his guards. Which wasn't helping because he got the attention of so many ladys instead of his. Who didn't even glance at him and went straight to the bus stop with her colleague. Plan A failed ❌

Plan B-... Was kidnapping which wasn't the most great one....cause he don't want her to hate him....But still keep it as an option in case.

Plan C - Was threating with gun pointed at her and forcibly made her sign the marriage certificate....that was yoongi idea...which was a big NO.. because Mr.Lover boy wants her girl to love him..  Seriously I started to believe that this is not Jungkook but some kind of imposter...Why!!! Like a person who never care about those things is worried if a girl would love him like WHAT???..

So now we're with Plan D which is pretending to be a normal guy and intentionally bump into her or something like that....And with that start a conversation..... First became friends .....and started to became most close to her....and at the end proposal... After she finally fall in deep love with this devil..... Marriage......after that even if she knows everything... won't matter anymore...cause she would already be Mrs.jeon and will be trap with him forever.....Btw that was jin idea....Which seem more like some kdrama stories to me.

" But guys do you really thinks this will work?? " Namjoon said.. " Just shut your mouth and let the expert do their job " response jin while he was busy teaching jk how to behave like a normal person. " Tskk...say the one who forced the girl he loved to marry him.."yoongi savagely said which made jin eyes darker. " You better fuck off suga" and now they're facing each other...with one who was in rage and the other one who still didn't give a darn and was laying on the couch.

" Jinni please calm down.... yoongi oppa was joking...right oppa" said jisoo who was coming from the kitchen with a plate full of snacks for the boys and on her way heard everything. Yes, its truth that jin forced jisoo to marry him because at that time she didn't love him but someone else whom jin brutally killed. Maybe he got jisoo for himself but never got her times passed.... Jisoo decided to give jin a chance to prove his love for her... In which he happy did... But somewhere jisoo still hate jin for what he did. But now what can she do as she knows that she's cages with him forever.

" Honey .... Don't worry... Just go upstairs and rest ....we are fine " response jin as he know that jisoo is so innocent and that he don't want to have an argument as they just started doing fine in their relationship. With that jisoo without speaking another word ...went upstairs.

" WTF YOONGI" jin yell...." What are you scared that she's gonna to leave you......but you know what- " SHUT UP ..
both of you...I don't want to hear another word....and yoongi next time watch your mouth when noona is around ......"  Jungkook said..making both of them quiet as they don't want to face the consequences. " Yeah whatever"  yoongi rolled his eyes at jin which he simply ignore knowing that yoongi will never stop.


Jungkook answered the call when saw that it was the guard who he order to keep an eyes on yn for her safety. But what his guard said next made him tightened his hand which was holding the phone and within a second his phone break into pieces while he was breathing heavily as only anger was showing on his face.

" Sir Mrs.Jeon just went in xxxx night club with her friend"

To be continued



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