Season 2 | Chapter 5

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| The next day

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| The next day

| Seoul City, South Korea|

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| Seoul City, South Korea|

" Ladies and gentlemen, Air Emirates welcomes you to Seoul City, South Korea, The local time is 14:15 pm. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle(s) clear until we are parked at the gate."

"Welcome to Seoul international airport"

The flight attendants uttered while each passengers were leaving the plane.

Hana and Seojun arrived near the security checking corner, as they had to show their papers.

" Miss. Jones and Mr.Han , your luggages have to pass though checking purposes as something was detected" The officer on the boarder said.

" Not this sh!t again.." Hana harshly uttered.

" Relax Hana...and Officer... I'm pretty sure that it's our gun that was detected, we're FBI agents" Seojun said as he pulled out his FBI badge while Hana also pulled out her FBI badge.

" Oh... We're sorry for the inconveniences, but your luggages still have to go to checking for security reasons...thank you for informing us and if there's nothing other than your work guns which must have to be the same reference on your papers... Then you'll be good to go... " The officer uttered while she showed them the waiting area for them to be seated.

" Arhggg" Hana harshly seat while Seojun sarcastically chuckled at her reaction.

" You know... you're looking like a wild cat that didn't get food for days..." He joke making Hana glaring at him.

" And you look like a useless di#k.." she said while she pulled out her phone to play some games.

" Do you want me to show you how useful my di#k is!.." he said with a seductively smirk plastered on his face.

" Stop this right now before you became di#kless" she uttered while glaring at him from the corner of her eyes.

He pouted while crossing his arms against each other, making Hana thinking why did she agree to be partner with him.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝐶𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 || 𝕁.𝕁𝕂 𝔽𝕗 ||Where stories live. Discover now