Chapter 33

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" You want to play hide and seek..
Then let the game begin
But in the end I'll always caught you"

Jk -



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Jisoo came back to me, dragging me somewhere in this huge venue when we arrived at the girls washroom, as she grabbed me inside, locking the door.

I looked at her confused.

" We don't have much time" she uttered.

" What do you mean??..." I questioned her.

" take this.....change your clothes and wear this and there's a Make up remover and a mask quick...we have to do as fast as we can...or they'll get suspicious....." She said.

" B-but why... w-what's going on" I asked her.

" I'll help you escape from Jungkook"

My eyes windened in shock as soon as she uttered her sentence.

" R-Really how" I hold her hands immediately as she look at me with a pure smile on her face.

" This clothes are the uniform for waitess that are serving tonight.. all you have to do is to wipe off all your makeup and don't forget to removed all of your jewelries cause they might have trackers in them..... There's a car waiting for you at the back exit ..... he'll drop you to near a can stay there...but not too long... cause they might found you.... hurry up Yn..we don't have much time.." as she said, I went inside and removed that huge wedding gown along with the jewelries. I took the makeup removal and wipe down everything that was pound on my face.

I wear the waitress uniform and put on the face mask which covered half of my face. I tied my hair in tight bun as my hair was full of hair spray, so I don't have any other choices.

(Her outfit)

(Her outfit)

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