Season 2 | Chapter 9

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Soon morning fell, Hana was in deep sleep as she didn't bother to wake up early today as it was her day off.

But soon her phone rang, disturbing her peaceful sleep as she growled, putting the pillow on her head, but still the phone keep ringing, as she harshly grabbed her phone and answered the call without looking at the caller id.

" Better give me a good fu#king reason for disturbing my peace..." She harshly said while the other person on the phone talk making Hana's sleepiness gone immediately.

" I'm coming.." she heavily sighed as she hung up the call.

She pushed the blanket away, immediately rushed inside the bathroom, taking a quick shower, as she got ready to go the Kim's Mansion.

As the uber dropped her Infront of the gate, she immediately went inside, as many police officers and forensic officers were already presented there.

She saw Seojun who also seem that he just got the news.

Seojun sense her present as he turned to make an eye contact, he walked forward towards her with a disturbing face expression.

" It's a whole nightmare upstairs..." Seojun said as his face was pale still in shock.

Seojun then lead Hana where the crime scene were, they soon reached near the room when Hana saw Namjoon and Yoongi who were talking to the forensic officers while Jimin was blanking looking inside with no emotions present on his face while Lisa was by his side.

Hearing foot steps coming, they all turned their head to saw Seojun and Hana, while Jimin's glaring didn't go unnoticed by Lisa.

Hana didn't give a darn as she walked inside the room, she saw Jungkook who was standing near the balcony door who had dripping blood stained on it while Taehyung was standing near the dead body of his brother as he was staring blankly at it without any emotions.

As Seojun and Hana walked inside, the strong smell of blood rushed their nose, as Seojun turned his head away as the crime scene was too brutal to see.

But didn't seem to affect Hana, she saw how brutally Kim Seokjin was killed, he was half-naked while his pant and underwear was lowered down at his feet, while his private part was cruelty damaged, his red bloody eyes wide open while his private part was stuffed in his mouth, a sharp knife stabbed in his chest with a wedding photo between.

One of the forensic officers handled them gloves to wear, as Hana immediately wear them as she went towards the body and kneeled down, as she examined the dead body.

" My condolences..." She whispered but was loud enough for Taehyung to heard, as he just hummed in return. While Jungkook keep staring at her with some unexplainable face expression.

After finishing examining the body, she stood up and went towards Jungkook who was still standing near the balcony door.

" Move aside.." she harshly said as Jungkook darkly chuckled in return while he stepped backwards a little, giving her space.

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