Chapter 36

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" I hate you Jeon Jungkook....."

Yn -





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Jungkook pov.

" Did you do what I told you " I asked Emma while I was seat in my home office.

" Yes master....I bath My Lady with the Viagra solution you gave me.....I make sure that My Lady bath a little longer for the Viagra solution effects started..... But Master it won't take long for it to start working and My Lady is nowhere to be found....." She stated, while I just evily smirk.

" don't worry....I know exactly where she is...before that take deserved it...." I threw a bunch of thousand's notes bill 💵 on the desk while she just nodded and took the money.

" now get out...and also informed every workers that I don't want anybody disturbing me tonight.." I said while she just mumbled ' yes master ' in response and left my office immediately.

I stood up and went to my play room where my princess was hiding from me. How stupid can she be, that she thinks that I didn't knew she was there when I was just near the door.

But the hide and seek game is finished now, let's play another game and this one you'll like it and I made sure of that in advance.

As now the drugs effect will start in a few minutes and then you'll gave yourself to me even if you don't want to but drugs won't let you do that cause it make you so horny that even if you're being forced, you won't have any other choices than to let the other person fu#k the hell out of you. As this Viagra is so strong that it won't let you think straight.
( so I'll skip this part cause the rest you already know what happened...."

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