Bio-Android Cell! Warrior of Combined Genes?!

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Androids 17 and 18 proved to be a greater challenge for our warriors, way greater than their versions from the future, which worried everyone. However, that wasn't the end of their problems.

Piccolo, who went up to Kami's lookout, fused once again with the Guardian of Earth, becoming whole. With this new power and knowledge, he learns that there's been a passage of death in the city below. Piccolo wasted no time in going down to Earth to visit the monster...

Ginger Town... Or what remained of it... was covered in clothes, items, anything someone would be using... That worried the Namekian and just as he was about to ask any questions... The answers found him. It was a green bug like creature, covered in spots.

???: Huuuuuugh...

Piccolo: So... You're the creature that took out the city.

???: Hehe... Clever observation.

Who was that? What was it trying to achieve? And why did its energy felt way too familiar to everyone Piccolo knew?

[enjoy :3]

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