Rigor, The Saiyan Forged By Vengeance!

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It was decades ago... Back in the times when Saiyans were alive... There was one, another sibling of Vegeta, however... It was a brother. His name was Rigor. His family had been betrayed, mother murdered at the hands of the Prince... The boy saw it all... And with his friend, Separi, he was sent off planet to avoid the attack of the Saiyans. 

Through the years of being away, his rage only grown. His hatred rose... Giving him power he wasn't even aware he held within... His own master refused to teach him further, as the boy was consumed by that anger, by vengeance. He would not give up until he became strong enough... 

Eventually, the day had arrived. 

Earth... Planet, that had been struck by many disasters, would once again happen to be the middle of yet another fight. As this is where Prince Vegeta lives. And this... is where Rigor set his sights for. 

Far off in the wastelands, Courge had sensed that huge power... And rushed off to face it head on. It's been a long time since he fought someone. Most of the time, he only had time to train. And now he could try himself out. 

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