History Untold Before... Daiko Against The Androids!

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Year after Frieza's return from his fight with Son Goku on Planet Namek...

Carole... had died. A heart virus that she was fighting against eventually took her life... Androids were released and eventually killed everyone... One by one, they all fell... Celeron's son, Kuran, being the last... 

Layla, daughter of Daiko, was able to retun to the past to give Carole a cure for her heart that would let her live... 

In the meantime, Androids were doing as they pleased... Killing people... However, in a far off, ruined city... Someone had just awoken... It was Daiko. Saiyan Elite, which managed to survive the android attack, albeit by a miracle... He got back up to the Lookout, his only company being Mr. Popo... The Saiyan cursed himself at how weak he was... He couldn't win against them, not as he was...

Popo then suggested for him to recover... And then gave him a way to get stronger... Hyperbolic Time Chamber, where one day outside equalled to a whole year in the chamber. Daiko wanted to head in immediately, but his injuries still didn't recover. No Senzu Beans meant he needed to recover the old fashioned way. This annoyed him... But eventually, after a couple days, the Elite Saiyan managed to stand back up and fight. 

Instead of flying at the Androids immediately... He thought to himself... That he was the last one to stand against them. He couldn't sense anyone strong on Earth anymore... He looked at the entrance to the Time Chamber... And went inside, to train for 2 days outside, which would take his limit of 2 years in the chamber, but he had no other choice. 

Combining the harsh training inside and the Zenkai Boost he received after being nearly killed... Daiko was more than ready to handle the twins of destruction. Mister Popo gave him new clothes, which resembled those he wore when he first arrived on Earth.

 Mister Popo gave him new clothes, which resembled those he wore when he first arrived on Earth

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The Elite questioned it at first, but decided it was best not to... The longer he lingered, the more Earth was destroyed... With one last goodbye to Mr. Popo, he flew down to West City, from where he followed the path of destruction... Eventually facing the Androids. Would he be able to succeed? Had the 2 years of training helped him? Or did they meant nothing in face of the Android threat?

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