To Surpass Instinct Itself! Celeron's Pride And Conviction!

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Eater of Worlds, Moro... He's made his way for Earth as he's felt all sorts of power down there... Gathering up his men and summoning the Eternal Dragon, Shenron, he brought all his magic abilities back and told everyone to search around the world for it's strong warriors.

Everyone was in danger... Celeron and Daiko had to halt their training in order to head back and protect them... Merus went with to provide back up... Since Moro regained his strength and gained even more, original plan was out of the question now... He needed to be stopped immediately.

However, during training, both Saiyans rose in power: Daiko with his Royal Blue and Celeron with his Ultra Instinct. He even managed to push the technique of the gods into his Super Saiyan state, which was the true way to go, while leaving the silver haired form as the last resort.

Celeron and Daiko still had a long way to go... Some of the Galactic Patrollers managed to get on Earth and gather those that could fight to defend their home from Moro's men... Hang in there, everyone! Help is on the way!

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