Red Ribbon On The Rise Once More? Cannel Stands Against Tyranny!

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Years have passed for our heroes ever since they went to Planet Cereal and face with Granolah... Everyone that were there had been thinking about the mysterious warrior that appeared, speaking off his goal to destroy the Gods of Destruction... However, time for worries was over.

Now, our heroes are enjoying peace, which would soon enough be ended. Now, there was only training for that time... And one of the warriors that decided to train herself... Was Cannel. She's been honing her strength and mind for years, reaching unimaginable levels... Still, she knew that if Celeron was busy, she could take into consideration protecting Earth. 

In the meantime... There was a new plot unravelling... Magenta, member of the Red Ribbon Army, found Dr. Hedo, Gero's grandchild. Together, they planned to take over the world... Or that's what Magenta wanted, as Hedo was more into heroes. With one swift lie, Red Ribbon Army was once again in action... 

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