Grand Tour! Revenge of The Tuffles!

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It has been years since the World Tournament came to an end, Uub had begun training with Kuran and afterwards, with Celeron and Goku.

One day, up on the lookout, when Uub left back to his village, Emperor Pilaf had climbed up and sneaked up to an old space inside the lookout... Space where Dark Star Dragon Balls resided.

Those Dragon Balls were said to be even stronger than the original one's... But had an unspoken consequence. When they are used, they must be found within a year, otherwise a planet they resided on... Will cease to exist.

Celeron had caught on to what Pilaf's plan was. And attempted to stop them. Unfortunately, a wish had been made. To make Celeron young again... That did not change the outcome and Pilaf still lost.

Celeron returned back home... And spoke about what happened with everyone... Clearly, he didn't wanted to become a child once more... He disliked that.

King Kai suddenly spoke up, speaking about the unspoken consequence, which led to a team being created to gather up the Black Star Dragon Balls...

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