Saiyans From A Time Long Forgotten... Old Encounters the New!

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Threat after threat... It would seem Earth would truly not find peace for decades to come... And so would be the case once again. As entirely new people had touched down onto Earth. 

Saiyans... Now you may start to realize why this whole story is called Saiyan Ta- I mean... The Saiyans of Old had arrived, in search of a strong warrior that could satisfy their battle instincts. They flew off towards where the strongest energy was felt in the city in order to find any Saiyan.

Touching down, they had found Goten, who led the three over to Trunks, where everything was explained: Those guys were the old Saiyans, living only for the thrill of battle, nothing else. They really didn't knew other purpose to life, only battle. 

So the two would take them to the nearest wasteland, where they could have their battle in peace.

However... These Saiyans were hiding something as well...

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