Devilish Demon King Returns! Piccolo's Great Power!

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The tournament had been won by Celeron. He had shown off power, skill and strategy in order to take his opponents down. He, alongside Goku, went to get Krillin, who decided to get Celeron's stuff from the lockers.

There, both boys were met with Krillin's dead body... And a piece of paper that had a mark of a Demon... Rishi recognised it as the mark... Of Demon King Piccolo.

Goku, before the mark was found, had left to get revenge against the murderer, Celeron following behind him in order to help. They were met with a monster, that held pieces of paper, roster from the World Tournament... And a small Dragon Ball.

The four star one... Celeron recognises it instantly, both of the kids wanting to fight the monster for two different reasons. Goku to avenge Krillin's death, Celeron to get Gohan's heirloom.

However... Something was brewing behind the scenes as well...

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