Cell, True Meaning of Fear! Evolution Beyond

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Android Cell... Monsterous creature that wants Androids 17 and 18 in order to become perfect... He came from the future in order to achieve his goal. He was interrupted by Piccolo, who had fused with Kami to become stronger. Cell got away from him and had been absorbing cities ever since to become stronger...

Carole, in the meantime, had recovered from the Heart Virus that had attacked her days prior... She was brought to the Lookout, where everyone was currently residing... There, everyone were training to prepare for a great threat, which was the Bio Android Cell.

Vegeta and Trunks went inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to begin their training. Daiko and Layla were to enter next, afterward Goku and Gohan, followed by Celeron and Kuran... 

Piccolo went to destroy the Androids, so that Cell won't become perfect... However, his plan backfired as Cell was instead attracted to the power levels... Piccolo went ahead to attempt and slow Cell down, while the Androids would leave...

How would our heroes make it through this great threat? Would they manage to become strong enough to defeat Cell? Or would he become perfect? 

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