Dark Side of the Dragon Balls?! Shadow Dragons, The Apocalypse!

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Baby, a formidable foe who had taken over Carole, was able to be defeated... With the Dark Star Dragon Balls destroyed, the normal Dragon Balls had to be brought to fix everything that had happened. And so they were brought together... 

However... Something was wrong with them.

Every single one of the Dragon Balls were cracked

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Every single one of the Dragon Balls were cracked. From the One Star to the Seven Star Ball. That worried everyone present, however they had to use the Dragon Balls regardless, so they believed using the wish would bring them to normal.

And so, our heroes called forth for Shenron... Which, at first, didn't worked out. Second time, nothing. And during the third time, something happened... Something different. The Dragon Balls spewed out dark clouds, from which Shenron came out, but he wasn't the same as the normal Shenron.

 The Dragon Balls spewed out dark clouds, from which Shenron came out, but he wasn't the same as the normal Shenron

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This one was dark blue... With red eyes. Instead of answers, more questions begun brewing... What was going on?

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