Father of All Saiyans, Tarro!

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Pasley and May, having learned of what happened to their friends, both left the planet, never wanting to see Okarot ever again, seeing him as a coward... The Saiyan didn't blame nor dissuade them from thinking this way, trying to make amends... His sister did the same, leaving him due to the lies he's left.

Meanwhile, Escar had spoken with the Supreme Kai and thus learned that the disasterous Tarro is still alive... And lives on in every Saiyan alive. He lived long enough to learn of the dangers Tarro brought... Grand Priest told him everything when he was on his training to become the protector of the Supreme Kai... 

Or atleast told him rumors of the Saiyan, who possessed the Dragon Balls, wished for power and killed the Saiyan King of old times, returning millenia later and did it again, killing the Saiyan Queen, Luna, before being sealed away by Okarot. 

...And something wasn't adding up. He knew that if he were to learn the truth, he had to speak with those that knew Tarro: Okarot, May and Pasley. And for that reason, he summoned his brother, Leriac, for help, which confused him extremely. However, he didn't refuse and joined his older brother to find out more about Tarro.

For some say... That his return draws near...

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