Three and a Half Years Later! Intergalactic Tournament And A New Danger!?

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Since Cell's defeat, 3 and a half years had passed with nothing happening... But peace and training for our heroes. And then... An intergalactic tournament had been set to happen. With a huge prize money as a reward. Celeron took it upon himself to train Kuran to become even stronger for the tournament as well as for the future.

Layla had returned from the future to train with her father, Daiko. She had also came by to say she had won against the Androids. Vegeta was still nowhere to be seen ever since the Cell Games.

Cannel agreed to training Gohan alongside Piccolo, as she thought she could get the Namekian to explain what her necklace can do. And to have some fun training the offspring of Kakarot.

Krillin, Yamcha and Tien decided to join the tournament as well, so they needed to train themselves. And the day had came. 

The tournament begun swiftly, with over a 100 participants in it. Only a few could make it through to the end. On all arenas, the warriors were set and the winners of each were: Kuran, Layla, Krillin, Piccolo, Daiko, Cannel, Tien and one of the other participants. Daiko and Layla were to fight, Krillin and Piccolo as well, while Cannel fought Tien and Kuran handled the remaining one. 

Finalists were chosen as Kuran, Layla, Krillin and Cannel. The 4 entered the Battle Island 2, where they would race each other to make it to the end. Whoever would win against their enemy and make it to the finish line would had to fight Mister Satan.

Unknown to them all... Someone had other plans for this tournament...

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