Push Yourself Further Beyond! Understanding Saiyan Nature!

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Pasley and May, having learned of what happened to their friends, both left the planet, never wanting to see Okarot ever again, seeing him as a coward... The Saiyan didn't blame nor dissuade them from thinking this way, trying to make amends... His sister did the same, leaving him due to the lies he's left.

And our heroes... Knew that if they were to stand even a sliver of chance against Tarro... They needed to get stronger. Far stronger than what they could normally do. So they did that, travelling to the Land of the Supreme Kai, where the Kais already knew of the situation and agreed to let the Saiyans train. 

Kuran immediately went to his father, wanting to train with him. This could not only push them both to train, but also strengthen their bond as father and son. Celeron agreed to this, while Daiko decided to butt in, joining the two in a friendly spar. If anyone knew what Saiyans were deep down, it would be the Saiyan Elite... And for the battle ahead, some understanding of Saiyan nature would go a long way.

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