23rd World Tournament Goes Underway! Reunion After Years!

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With Demon King Piccolo's threat taken out, Earth could rest easy, knowing that the evil demon was finally dead. What none of them knew, except for Celeron and Kami, is that the evil Piccolo managed to hatch one final gift for Earth: his son, Piccolo Jr.

Celeron grown with anger, seeing that he was still alive and wanted to head down to face him, which Kami strictly prohibited. God instructed Celeron that he will face Piccolo's reincarnation... At the 23rd World Tournament. Reluctantly, he agreed and continued his training under Kami.

Several years later... 3, to be exact, and everyone met up near the tournament grounds. With Piccolo's death, Kami ordered Popo to deliver the Four Star Ball to Earth years ago in order to resurrect everyone killed by the evil king, so likes of Krillin and Master Roshi were at the tournament as well. 

When everyone met up by the entrance, someone new went towards them. However, Goku quickly recognized him. It was Celeron. Years changed him... But ultimately, it was him. The boy that once grew up with him... was now grown as well.

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