To Stop The Demon King! Heroes Determination!

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Piccolo, the Demon King, has been set loose from his prison, the rice cooker, by the hands of Pilaf and his gang, who just wanted his help to conquer the whole world, now ended up as his slaves.

Krillin had been the first of Piccolo's kills, resulting in Goku gaining the motivation he needed to take him down. He continued his training under the watchful eye of Roshi.

Meanwhile, Celeron travelled across far lands to reach Korin's tower once more in order to take on his trails and in order to train with God, who was called Kami, good half of Piccolo. His first time training under someone else.

Of course with Celeron still holding the Four Star Dragon Ball, Demon King Piccolo would never be able to achieve his wish... Unless he got the Dragon Radar. Which put Bulma in danger.

Piccolo still had an eye on every Martial Artist that could learn the Mafuba and seal him away again... So that he could kill them. What would it mean for our heroes? Did they have a plan to take out the Demon King?

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