Saiyan Legends, Long Forgotten By Time.

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Grippi, Naz and Bocha have been defeated thanks to the help of Jaco and him bringing some help from far lands. This help were two Saiyans: Pasley and May, Saiyan Goddess and a Primal Saiyan. They came to help, but also to figure out who unleashed the power of someone who they never expected to sense.

Eventually, during it, Okarot arrived alongside his sister, Cauri. The male needed to come clean about some things... The truth was... He wasn't Okarot from the beginning. He was a fusion, formed from two beings. Saiyans, called Okora and Karotto. While everyone around was asking questions, Pasley knew that if they were to take out that person for good, without a seal this time...

A history was in order. History explaining the man that once created everything... A Saiyan... called Tarro.

Long time ago, in the beginning of everything, there were magical wish spheres... With them, were two beings: Zalama and Tarro. Zalama had created the spheres, while Tarro breathed magic into them, which created all universes as we know. Everything seemed peaceful for everyone.

Until one day... Someone had gathered the wish spheres to make a wish. Not just any regular wish, but a wish to gain ultimate power, power great enough to overthrow the creators. While Zalama had long gone into the Dragon Realm, as to not mind the mortals, Tarro remained... And was challenged by the warrior, who had got the wish spheres... Which have been called the Dragon Balls.

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